How many plutonium isotopes are there?

How many plutonium isotopes are there?

There are five “common” isotopes of plutonium, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240, Pu-241, and Pu-242. These are all “fissionable” – the atom’s nucleus can easily split apart if it is struck by a neutron. The different isotopes have different “half-lives” – the time it takes to lose half of its radioactivity.

How many isotopes does Mercury have?

Mercury (Hg) is a photochemically active, redox-sensitive metal and exists as multiple physical states in the environment1. It has seven natural stable isotopes (196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 202 and 204) with a relative mass span of 4%.

Is plutonium an isotope?

Nuclear fission Plutonium is a radioactive actinide metal whose isotope, plutonium-239, is one of the three primary fissile isotopes (uranium-233 and uranium-235 are the other two); plutonium-241 is also highly fissile.

How many isotopes does plutonium 239 have?

Plutonium-239 is also one of the three main isotopes demonstrated usable as fuel in thermal spectrum nuclear reactors, along with uranium-235 and uranium-233. Plutonium-239 has a half-life of 24,110 years….Plutonium-239.

Alpha decay 5.156
Isotopes of plutonium Complete table of nuclides

Does plutonium have any radioactive isotopes?

Twenty plutonium radioisotopes have been characterized. The most stable are plutonium-244 with a half-life of 80.8 million years, plutonium-242 with a half-life of 373,300 years, and plutonium-239 with a half-life of 24,110 years. All of the remaining radioactive isotopes have half-lives that are less than 7,000 years.

How many uranium isotopes are there?

There are three naturally occurring isotopes of uranium: uranium-238, the heaviest and most abundant, uranium-235 and uranium-234. Uranium-235 is the only isotope that undergoes fission.

What is radioactive plutonium?

Plutonium (chemical symbol Pu) is a silvery-gray, radioactive metal that becomes yellowish when exposed to air. Plutonium is considered a man-made element, although scientists have found trace amounts of naturally occurring plutonium produced under highly unusual geologic circumstances. The most common radioisotopes.

Does mercury have a radioactive isotope?

There are seven stable isotopes of mercury (80Hg) with 202Hg being the most abundant (29.86%). The longest-lived radioisotopes are 194Hg with a half-life of 444 years, and 203Hg with a half-life of 46.612 days. Most of the remaining 40 radioisotopes have half-lives that are less than a day.

What is the most important isotope of plutonium?

Plutonium-239 is the most important isotope of plutonium, with a half-life of 24,100 years. Pu and 241Pu are fissile, meaning that the nuclei of their atoms can break apart by being bombarded by slow moving thermal neutrons, releasing energy, gamma radiation and more neutrons.

Is plutonium 242 a radioactive isotope?

Plutonium-242 (242Pu) is one of the isotopes of plutonium, the second longest-lived, with a half-life of 375,000 years. The half-life of 242Pu is about 15 times longer than that of 239Pu; therefore, it is one-fifteenth as radioactive, and not one of the larger contributors to nuclear waste radioactivity.

Which is an isotope of 237 93 NP?

Neptunium is a chemical element with symbol Np and atomic number 93. Classified as an actinide, Neptunium is a solid at room temperature….Neptunium.

Atomic Mass 237.048172u
Electron Configuration [Rn]7s25f46d1
Oxidation States +6, +5, +4, +3
Year Discovered 1940

What is the group number of plutonium?

Fact box

Group Actinides Melting point
Period 7 Boiling point
Block f Density (g cm−3)
Atomic number 94 Relative atomic mass
State at 20°C Solid Key isotopes

What is the mass of an isotope of plutonium?

Mass numbers of typical isotopes of Plutonium are 239, 240, 241, 244. Atomic mass of Plutonium is 244 u. The atomic mass is the mass of an atom.

How many neutrons does plutonium have in it?

Summary Element Plutonium Number of neutrons (typical isotopes) 239, 240, 241, 244 Number of electrons 94 Electron configuration [Rn] 5f6 7s2 Oxidation states +3,4,5,6

Which is the longest half life of plutonium?

Plutonium has twenty known radioisotopes. Plutonium isotopes range in mass number from 228 to 247. Traces of plutonium isotopes Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-240 and Pu-244 can be found naturally. Pu-244 has the longest half-life [4].

Where did they get the element plutonium from?

Plutonium is a synthetic element and was produced and isolated in University of California, Berkeley. In 1940, Glenn T. Seasborg, Joseph W. Kennedy, Edwin McMillan and Arthur Wahl at Berkeley Radiation Laboratory, bombarded deuteron on an isotope of uranium in the 60-inch cyclotron, which created neptunium-238.