How much cubic feet of soil do I need?

How much cubic feet of soil do I need?

To fill a 3×6 bed with 10″ sides, you will need 15 cubic feet of blended soil. To create the blend, use the following quantities: 9 cubic feet of topsoil (9 20-quart bags) 4.5 cubic feet of compost (4.5 20-quart bags)

How do you calculate backfill?

For example, find the cubic footage volume of a backfill area that is 8 feet wide, 6 feet deep and 50 feet long. The volume of a rectangular cubed shape is found by the formula v = l x w x d, where v represents volume, l is the length of the trench, w is the width and d is the depth.

How many yards is a truck load?

A standard dump truck would most likely be used for your project, and they can typically carry 10 to 12 cubic yards of dirt in a truckload.

How much does a bag of top soil cost?

Bagged topsoil costs $2 to $5 per bag or about $35 to $180 per cubic yard.

How many 40 lb bags make a yard?

Regarding this, “how many bags of topsoil in a cubic yard?”, generally a bag of topsoil packed in 40lb weight which yields 0.5 cubic feet, so number of 40lb bags in a cubic yard = 27/0.5 = 54 bags, therefore, there are 54 bags of 40lb of topsoil in a cubic yard.

How many 6 ft wheelbarrows are in a yard?

A typical contractor’s wheelbarrow has a volume of about 6 cubic feet. Doing the math, 27 cubic feet per cubic yard divided by 6 cubic feet per wheelbarrow equals 4.5 wheelbarrows per cubic yard.

How much gravel is in a ton?

A ton of gravel with average-sized pebbles is about 0.705 cubic yards, or 19 cubic feet, assuming it has been screened for debris and contains no leftover dirt, sand, etc.

How many square feet does 1 ton of gravel cover?

100 square feet

How much does 2 tons of gravel cover?

Understanding Size and Coverage Using 2 inches for the depth, the following measurements are a guide to the amount of gravel coverage per ton: 1/4 to 1/2 inch gravel, 100 square feet per ton; 1/2 to 1 inch gravel, 90 square feet per ton; and 1 1/2 to 2 inches gravel, 80 square feet per ton.

How many square yards are in a ton?

3 square feet is 9 x 4 x 12. Divide the imperial short ton by 2000 to figure out how many tons there are. 0.21 tons per square yard is the average.

How many yards is a ton of crushed stone?

If you have a project that requires crushed stone you may have a need to determine how many cubic yards are in a ton of material. Many trucking companies quote deliveries by the ton, and it’s important to know how to get the accurate amount.

How many yards is a Class 5 ton?

Regarding this, “how many cubic yards in a ton?”, generally for estimating purpose 1 cubic yard of gravel weighs around 3000 pounds and 1 US ton = 2000 pounds, so yards in a ton = 2000/ 3000 = 0.66 cubic yards, therefore, there are 0.66 cubic yards in a ton.

What does 5 yards of sand weigh?

A cubic yard of typical sand weighs about 2700 pounds or 1.35 tons. A square yard of a sandbox with a depth of 1 foot (30.48 cm) weighs about 900 pounds (410 kg) or slightly less than half a ton.

How many tons is a yard of mulch?

2-3 cubic yards