How much is taxi from Lanzarote airport to Puerto del Carmen?

How much is taxi from Lanzarote airport to Puerto del Carmen?

Taxi Rates from Lanzarote Airport

Playa Blanca 45 50
Puerto Calero 24 26
Puerto de Los Mármoles 22 24
Puerto del Carmen 20 22

How much is a taxi from Arrecife to Puerto del Carmen?

The places Arrecife and Puerto del Carmen are close to Lanzarote Airport, taxi fares are low. A taxi to Arrecife costs € 12, the price for a taxi ride to Puerto del Carmen is € 16. A taxi to Playa Blanca is more expensive and costs around € 45.

Is there a bus from Lanzarote airport to Puerto del Carmen?

Bus route 161 / 261 is the regular bus service between the airport and Playa Blanca via Puerto del Carmen. Click here for the timetable. The airport bus runs every 30 minutes between Monday and Friday from 7.30am to 10.30pm, with less buses at the weekend and public holidays, so best to check the timetable.

Can you get uber in Lanzarote?

We don’t have mini cabs or Uber on the island. Taxi fares are all metered and the rates are government controlled and lower than in Northern Europe.

Which is the nicest part of Lanzarote?

  1. Playa Blanca. Playa Blanca is one of the best places to stay in Lanzarote for families.
  2. Puerto del Carmen. Puerto del Carmen is the best resort in Lanzarote for nightlife.
  3. Costa Teguise. Costa Teguise is a good place to stay in Lanzarote for couples, as well as for families.
  4. Haria.
  5. Caleta de Famara.

Is Puerto del Carmen good for nightlife?

Puerto del Carmen is definitely the locality of Lanzarote with the more lively nightlife.

How much is the bus from Lanzarote airport to Puerto del Carmen?

Airport to Playa Blanca The service costs €1.35 to Puerto del Carmen or €3.15 to Playa Blanca, these prices are reduced by 30% if you purchase a bono discount card.

How far is Puerto del Carmen from airport?

Nearest airports from Puerto del Carmen
Lanzarote Airport (ACE) 6.74 Km
Fuerteventura Airport (FUE) 56.10 Km

Is Puerto del Carmen or Playa Blanca better?

Puerto del Carmen has the busiest vibe and that incredible long Strip. Costa Teguise has a more laid back, surfy feel, and feels more Spanish, as well as being more compact. Playa Blanca is quieter than either and feels a little more upmarket, but it’s very spread out.

How much is a taxi from Puerto del Carmen to Playa Blanca?

The quickest way to get from Puerto del Carmen (Port) to Playa Blanca is to taxi which costs €30 – €40 and takes 23 min.

Are taxis expensive in Lanzarote?

While taxis are cheap and plentiful, using them regularly adds up – in fact you can hire a car for a week for less than the cost of a taxi to and from Playa Blanca: Car Hire Prices.

Is there a bus from Playa Blanca to Puerto del Carmen?

Yes, there is a direct bus departing from Estación Playa Blanca and arriving at Puerto del Carmen – Balcón del Mar. Services depart hourly, and operate every day.

Are there private shuttles to Playa del Carmen?

Private Playa del Carmen Shuttle: This transportation is provided in a van for up to 8 people with luggage, this shuttle service is only for your party. Luxury Playa del Carmen Shuttle: This transportation is provided in a luxury Suburban for up to 6 people with luggage and of course you get a VIP service.

Is there a water taxi in Puerto del Carmen?

Get on a taxi boat Puerto Del Carmen and explore what Puerto Calera has to offer. Be wowed by its beauty stemming from volcanic origins and its cleanliness that’s continuously maintained meticulously. A water taxi Puerto Del Carmen is a cost-effective, fun, quick and easy mode of transport in Lanzarote.

How much does it cost to transfer from Cancun to Playa del Carmen?

The regular private Cancun airport transportation to Playa del Carmen costs about $45.00 for a one way, while the luxury transportation from Cancun airport to Playa del Carmen costs $85.00 for a one way trip. What is the highest rated Cancun airport transfer company?