In what way is the discovery the rioters make ironic?

In what way is the discovery the rioters make ironic?

In what way is the discovery the rioters make is ironic, or different from what you had anticipated? One might expect the rioters to discover a frightful person, beast, or other personification of Death under a tree. Instead, they find gold.

Why does the Pardoner tell a moral tale explain how his motive is ironic and what type of irony is employed?

Explain how his motive is ironic, or different from what you might have expected. The Pardoner tells his moral stories not to help sinners but to help himself. He’s greedy and wishes to scare people into buying his indulgences and relics. His admission contributes to the irony.

What type of story is the Pardoner’s Tale?

The genre of The Pardoner’s Tale is an extended exemplum, a story that shows a character’s true morality. The Pardoner chose this tale in order to use it as a sermon. He goes on this journey with an intent to gain gold from people for his false pardons.

How does the Pardoner’s Tale mock religion?

He is teasing himself by naming the main rooster Chauntecleer. This in a form is making fun of him for fallowing the religion by placing himself in the scene to make fun of. This part of “The Nun’s Priest’s Tale” demonstrates the humor Chaucer has as a writer.

What is ironic about the death of the rioters?

The rioters did literally find Death under the tree, though their greed for the gold. It is ironic that their plots backfired and lead to their destruction.

What is the central irony in the Pardoner’s Tale What do the rioters expect to find under the tree what do they actually find ?)?

They are looking for Death because a boy told them it was death who killed the person in the coffin and other people in town. What do they expect to find under the tree, and what do they actually find? They expect to find Death sitting there under the tree, but instead they find treasure. You just studied 8 terms!

What is ironic about the attitudes of the rioters and the old man toward death?

What is ironic about the attitudes of the rioters and the old man toward death? They’re looking for death and usually people would run from it. He claims death will be there but the find gold. Their greed of the gold leads to death.