Is Adequate a verb noun or adjective?

Is Adequate a verb noun or adjective?

adjective. as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose; fully sufficient, suitable, or fit (often followed by to or for): This car is adequate to our needs. They’ll provide adequate food for fifty people. barely sufficient or suitable: Being adequate is not good enough.

What is the adjective form of adequate?

/ˈædɪkwət/ /ˈædɪkwət/ ​enough in quantity, or good enough in quality, for a particular purpose or need. They’ll need an adequate supply of hot water. The room was small but adequate.

What part of speech is adequate?


What is the noun of adequate?

adequacy. The quality of being sufficient, adequate or able to meet the needs.

Is sufficient a noun or verb?

Sufficient comes from a Latin verb meaning “to meet the need.” If something is sufficient it has met, or satisfied, a need. Enough is often used as a synonym for sufficient, and when something is not sufficient, it is too little to take care of what’s needed.

What is the adverb for sufficient?

(manner) In a sufficient manner; enough.

What is a adequate?

1 : sufficient for a specific need or requirement adequate time an amount of money adequate to supply their needs also : good enough : of a quality that is good or acceptable a machine that does an adequate job : of a quality that is acceptable but not better than acceptable Her first performance was merely adequate.

What does sufficient mean in sentence?

Definition of Sufficient. enough; plenty of. Examples of Sufficient in a sentence. 1. With careful planning, they had a sufficient amount of food to survive for an entire month.

Is self-sufficient a word?

adjective. able to supply one’s own or its own needs without external assistance: The nation grows enough grain to be self-sufficient. having extreme confidence in one’s own resources, powers, etc.: He was self-sufficient, and always reminded you of it.

What is a word for saying something to yourself?

Soliloquy comes from the Late Latin word sōliloquium, which has the same meaning (“a talking to oneself”). This is formed from the Latin sōli-, meaning “sole” or “alone” (as in solitary), and loqu(ī), meaning “to speak” (as in loquacious).

What’s another word for uninterested?


  • apathetic,
  • casual,
  • complacent,
  • disinterested,
  • incurious,
  • indifferent,
  • insensible,
  • insouciant,

What is a word that means not interested?


What word means lack of interest?

Lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern. apathy. indifference. unconcern.

What is another word for bored?

What is another word for bored?

uninterested weary
tired blasé
ennuied inattentive
listless spiritless
bored rigid bored stiff

Is Adequate a verb noun or adjective?

Is Adequate a verb noun or adjective?

adjective. as much or as good as necessary for some requirement or purpose; fully sufficient, suitable, or fit (often followed by to or for): This car is adequate to our needs. They’ll provide adequate food for fifty people. barely sufficient or suitable: Being adequate is not good enough.

Can adequate be used as a verb?

(obsolete) To equalize; to make adequate. (obsolete) To equal.

What is the noun of adequate?

adequacy. The quality of being sufficient, adequate or able to meet the needs.

What is the definition of adequate?

1 : sufficient for a specific need or requirement adequate time an amount of money adequate to supply their needs also : good enough : of a quality that is good or acceptable a machine that does an adequate job : of a quality that is acceptable but not better than acceptable Her first performance was merely adequate.

What makes you a good person essay?

What It Means To Be a Good Person Essay. A good person is fair and just to all, and does not judge people. He or she is nice to everyone regardless of their religion, race, social and economic class, health status, or physical state (Gelven 25). A good person treats other people with respect, care, and compassion.

What do you call someone who is always wrong?

1. If such a person is reliably always wrong, you may call them a contra-indicator. This is sometimes used in financial markets. You may not know what to do, but then you look at what the contra-indicator does, and you do the opposite for virtually guaranteed success.

Is wrongly written?

“Wrongly written” might be better used for talking about spelling mistakes or careless mistakes in forming the letters. He pronounced “scour” wrong. Informally it’s fine. He pronounced “scour” incorrectly.

Is rightly a word?

rightly adverb (MORALLY ACCEPTABLE) behaving in a way that is suitable and acceptable: They quite rightly complained to the manager. used to mean that something may or may not be morally correct, but it is a fact: Rightly or wrongly, she has been given the post of managing director.

What type of speech is the word wrong?


part of speech: adjective
phrase: in the wrong
phrase: go wrong
part of speech: transitive verb
inflections: wrongs, wronging, wronged

What is noun of wrong?

wrong. noun. noun. /rɔŋ/ 1[uncountable] behavior that is not honest or morally acceptable Children must be taught the difference between right and wrong.

What is the difference between wrong and wrongly?

Common Mistakes and Confusing Words in English Wrong and wrongly are both adverbs. Wrong can be used informally instead of wrongly after a verb. In fact it is taking over from the word wrongly. However, when the adverb comes before the verb we use wrongly.

What is the adverb form of wrong?

wrong / wrongly / wrongfully. In informal language wrong can be used as an adverb instead of wrongly, when it means ‘incorrectly’ and comes after a verb or its object: My name was spelt wrong.

Is wrongly sent correct?

Both are actually incorrect. Send and sent are verbs. It is incorrect to say “wrong sent” basically because sent is a verb and it is an adverb, not an adjective that modifies a verb. The correct form therefore is wrongLY sent.

How do you send a message wrongly?

I am really sorry, I sent you this message by mistake. I am really sorry, I accidently sent you that message. It was not ment to be send to you. I am so sorry.

How do you send an incorrect email?

You could simply state: I believe this email was sent to me by mistake and wanted to make you aware of it possibly reaching the wrong destination. If this message was intended for me, I look forward to discussing the matter with you further.