Is Army SSB interview tough?

Is Army SSB interview tough?

SSB interview is the most extensive and toughest among all the interviews conducted for government job examinations. To become an officer in Indian Armed Forces, you have to clear the SSB interview. There are lots of candidates, who have qualified NDA or CDS written exam several times but failed in SSB interview.

Why SSB interview is hardest in India?

You must have read that there is a shortage of officers in the forces, this is the major reason for that. Since SSB is a very tough interview and they want the right fit and not the best one, hence the reason for the vacant seats.

Is it tough to crack SSB interview?

SSB is difficult but not impossible. If they can crack it one go, you can too. The candidates who will be declared qualified in the written exam will be called for the SSB interview rounds.

Is SSB interview fair?

Finally, the selection process is highly fair, because the decision to recommend or not recommend a candidate is not taken by one individual, all three assessors have one third contribution towards the end result and their findings are independent and without any pressure from anyone.

Why do people fail in SSB interview?

Lack of honesty: This is one major reason why candidates fail in SSB. No self-Knowledge: SSB is one such interview where the more you know about yourself, the more chances of success are there. A person who is not aware of what his strengths, weakness, happiest and saddest moments are, is much like to fail.

Why is SSB so hard?

The constraint of time is applied in the testing and most of the tests are designed in such a way that they get difficult with time. The level of difficulty is not much. If you look closely you will realize that SSB is more about logic and positive attitude than intelligence.

Which is the best book for SSB interview preparation?

SSB Interview books that can guide you to crack difficult…

  • SSB Interview: The Complete Guide by Dr N.K.
  • Let’s Crack SSB Interview by SSBCrack.
  • SSB OIR & PPDT: Complete Guide To Stage 1 SSB Interview by DDE.
  • Breaking The Code of SSB Psychological Tests – SSB Interview by SSBCrack.

What happens if you fail SSB interview?

Answer. Hello, SSB interview is the final stage of joining the National Defence Acedemy if one get rejected in it and lies within the age limit of 16.5 to 19.5 can reappear in the examination.

Why do students fail in SSB?

What happens if I failed in SSB interview?

Answer. Hello, SSB interview is the final stage of joining the National Defence Acedemy if one get rejected in it and lies within the age limit of 16.5 to 19.5 can reappear in the examination. Since NDA examination is held twice a year one can appear with improvement in their drawback side.

Is SSB hard for repeaters?

Repeaters should try hard to improve the following: Please remember that SSB is a personality assessment where only qualities are judged, so try to improve them. I have already written on core aspects of personality which needs a lot of improvement as once that thing is done SSB is just a easy game to play.