Is HRT worth taking?

Is HRT worth taking?

Although there have been concerns raised about HRT and the potential risks to various aspects of women’s health, more recently published findings show that although not entirely risk free, it remains the most effective solution for the relief of menopausal symptoms and is also effective for the prevention of …

How did you feel after starting HRT?

When starting HRT, it’s very common to experience some initial side effects or start-up symptoms such as breast tenderness or breast size increase. Some women describe slight nausea, headaches or abdominal bloating. Light erratic bleeding is also quite usual.

Do you live longer if you take HRT?

New research suggests that women on HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) are likely to live longer. Not only does the treatment help to relieve the symptoms of menopause, it can also protect against longer-term health risks such as osteoporosis and heart disease, which rise significantly in women over the age of 50.

How do you feel on HRT?

Side effects of HRT

  1. breast tenderness.
  2. headaches.
  3. feeling sick.
  4. indigestion.
  5. abdominal (tummy) pain.
  6. vaginal bleeding.

What is the best form of HRT to take?

There are two ways of taking it: cyclical combined HRT is best if you have menopausal symptoms and still have periods. This involves having a gap between taking progestogen for a period of time. Continuous combined HRT is recommended if you are post-menopausal and have not had a period for a year.

Does HRT reduce belly fat?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can affect weight loss in women. In addition to having less abdominal fat, the same study found that women undergoing HRT were almost one whole point lower on the body mass index (BMI) scale, and they had nearly 3 pounds less of fat mass.

When did hormone replacement therapy ( HRT ) become available?

Hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, first became available in 1940 and proved for many years to be a complete life saver for millions of women. It controlled, or stopped entirely, their symptoms of menopause, effectively alleviating hot flushes, vaginal dryness, osteoporosis, joint pain, and memory loss, among other things.

What are the benefits of HRT for women?

As someone who has an extremely physical job, osteoporosis was also a massive worry for Jane, and one of the biggest benefits of HRT for her is that it decreases the risk of that. “I work with women in their 70s,” adds Jane, “and osteoporosis is a silent killer and one I’ve been wary of my whole life.

When to use combined continuous HRT for menopause?

Combined continuous HRT can be used by women who: are post-menopausal and have not had a menstrual bleed for more than one year, and have not had a hysterectomy; or: are aged 54 and over, and have not had a hysterectomy.

How many different types of HRT are there?

Currently, there are more than 50 types of HRT available, including tablets, skin patches, oestrogen gel, implants, creams, pessaries, and rings. Different types, or combinations, work for different women.