Is it correct to say how is you?

Is it correct to say how is you?

How are you ? is correct. (There will always be some people who just do not want to follow grammar rules, thinking they are unique, starting a new slang, etc. but you as a language learner do not follow them.) “Is” is used for he/she/it.

How’s it going so far meaning?

The expression “so far” is used when we’re in the middle of a particular situation. In other words, the situation has started, but it is NOT over yet. We use “so far” when talking about the sitatuion from the beginning of that situation until the present moment. See a translation.


—used to say that something (such as a project or an activity) has proceeded well or without problems up to the present “How’s the work on your house going?” “There’s a lot more to do, but so far, so good.”

Who said so far so good?

James Kelly’s

Is so far so good a sentence?

Example sentences — “How’s your new car running?’ “So far, so good.” — “Do you like being a lawyer?” “It’s a lot of work but so far, so good.” — It’s been so far, so good with the babysitter and I hope it stays that way.

How do you use so far in a sentence?

Examples of ‘so far’ in a sentence so far

  1. Three different primaries so far and we have had three different winners.
  2. Their away form has cost them a hatful of points so far this season.
  3. Nobody told me it was so far away.
  4. The effects so far look relatively benign.

Can I begin a sentence with so far?

As to the sentences about the patient: Both seem okay to me and, yes, mean the same; “so far” could also be placed at the very beginning or very end of the sentence with no change in meaning.

What is the difference between so far and till now?

Utilizing the full word ”until now’ could be used interchangeably with ‘so far’ easily. “till now” is a shortened form of “until now”, mostly used while speaking. As far as I know there is no difference in meaning, but so far reads a lot better in a written text.

Do you put a comma after so far?

‘Thus far’ is the same as ‘so far’. It is used either at the beginning or at the end of the sentence. The comma before the phrase is not required if it is at the end of the sentence.

How do you use three things in a comma?

An Oxford Comma is a comma used before the last list item in a list of three or more items. When there are three or more list items, then those following “US convention” should use a comma (often called an Oxford Comma) with the conjunction (usually “and” or “or”).

What are some examples of semicolons?

Examples of Semicolons: Joan likes eggs; Jennifer does not. The cat slept through the storm; the dog cowered under the bed. Semicolons are also used in a sentence when something stronger than a comma is needed.

What are semicolons used for?

Use a semicolon to join two related independent clauses in place of a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so, yet). Make sure when you use the semicolon that the connection between the two independent clauses is clear without the coordinating conjunction.

What is the rule for items in a series?

When you list more than two items, you separate them as follows: Put a comma between all items, and put a comma + and before the last item. Items in a series can be single words or phrases. In addition, items in a series can be short sentences joined with commas and and.

How do you use semicolons in a list?

Use a semicolon between items in a list or series if any of the items contain commas. There are basically two ways to write: with a pen or pencil, which is inexpensive and easily accessible; or by computer and printer, which is more expensive but quick and neat.

How do you use semicolons in a series?

To clarify, use a semicolon to separate the various items in the series. “I saw a duck, the kind with the green head; Fred, a magician; and a liquor store, which sells Japanese whisky.” 2. You can place a semicolon between two related independent clauses.

How do you list items?

Format for Lists

  1. Use a colon to introduce the list items only if a complete sentence precedes the list.
  2. Use both opening and closing parentheses on the list item numbers or letters: (a) item, (b) item, etc.
  3. Use either regular Arabic numbers or lowercase letters within the parentheses, but use them consistently.