Is Ma Amie correct?

Is Ma Amie correct?

Mon is used for male and Ami for a male friend. Thus, Mon Ami means a male friend. While Ma is used for female and Amie for a female friend. But writing Ma Amie =M’amie is weired in french language hence it is also designated as Mon Amie for female friend.

What are the 3 main properties of air?

The properties of air are:

  • Air takes up space.
  • Air has mass.
  • Air is affected by heat.
  • Air exerts pressure.
  • Air can be compressed.
  • Air is affected by altitude.

Why do we use air?

Why is ‘the’ used before air in the expression in the air? Air is an uncountable noun. However, ‘the’ (the article) precedes the word ‘air’.

What are two types of air?

The first type is known as dry air. Dry air is described as having less than 1% of moisture in it. The best location to find this type of air is in the Southwest part of the United States and also in the Middle East. The second type of air is called moist air.

What are three air types?

The air can be of various forms i.e. pure air , polluted air ,conditioning air ,natural air . Among the all aspects air and atmosphere is a way to life .

What is air and its types?

Air is a mixture of many gases and tiny dust particles. It is the clear gas in which living things live and breathe. Air is a mixture of about 78% of nitrogen, 21% of oxygen, 0.9% of argon, 0.04% of carbon dioxide, and very small amounts of other gases.

How does air exist?

So in conclusion, we know air exists because first of all, we breathe it everyday and its necessary for most things living on this earth. You can prove air exists by blowing up a balloon. By doing this, it proves that air has weight and air takes up space. Lastly, air is just made up of mainly nitrogen and oxygen.

Is light matter Yes or no?

Light is not matter. Light is made up of “things” called photons, and these photons can possess some of the properties of matter. For example, they are always moving, and when they move, they can exert a (usually very small) force on an object (just like moving matter can). But most of the time, light is just light.

Why air is a matter?

Air is classified as matter because it has mass and takes up space, which is the definition of matter.

Is electricity matter Yes or no?

In physics, usually the word “electricity” isn’t really used. “Electric current” is more common, and is defined as the flow of charges, where the charges are held by particles (electrons). Electrons have mass, so they are definitely matter.