Is outrageously a word?

Is outrageously a word?

adjective. of the nature of or involving gross injury or wrong: an outrageous slander. grossly offensive to the sense of right or decency: outrageous behavior; an outrageous remark. passing reasonable bounds; intolerable or shocking: an outrageous price.

How do you spell outrageousness?


  1. of the nature of or involving gross injury or wrong: an outrageous slander.
  2. grossly offensive to the sense of right or decency: outrageous behavior; an outrageous remark.
  3. passing reasonable bounds; intolerable or shocking: an outrageous price.

What does it mean when someone is outrageous?

The definition of outrageous is someone or something that is not in good taste, violent or extremely unusual. An example of outrageous behavior is something that is done in a very offensive way.

What is another word for outrageously?

Outrageous Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for outrageous?

doubtful dubious
excessive extravagant
far-fetched implausible
preposterous questionable
unbelievable unconvincing

What is extremely severe?

grievous. adjective. formal extremely serious or severe.

Is severe serious?

As adjectives the difference between serious and severe is that serious is without humor or expression of happiness; grave in manner or disposition; earnest; thoughtful; solemn while severe is very bad or intense.

What is serious?

1 : thoughtful or subdued in appearance or manner : sober a quiet, serious girl. 2a : requiring much thought or work serious study. b : of or relating to a matter of importance a serious play. 3a : not joking or trifling : being in earnest a serious question.

What type of speech is severe?

adjective –

What is severe expression?

adj. 1 rigorous or harsh in the treatment of others; strict.

How do you describe severe?

adjective, se·ver·er, se·ver·est. harsh; unnecessarily extreme: severe criticism; severe laws. serious or stern in manner or appearance: a severe face. threatening a seriously bad outcome or involving serious issues; grave: a severe illness. rigidly restrained in style, taste, manner, etc.; simple, plain, or austere.

What is the verb form of severe?

verb. Save Word. sev·​er | \ ˈse-vər \ severed; severing\ ˈsev-​riŋ , ˈse-​və-​ \

Is severer a word?

1. harsh; unnecessarily extreme: severe criticism. 2. serious or stern in manner or appearance.

Is Unsevere a word?

adjective. Not serious; lighthearted.

Where do you use severe?

You use severe to indicate that something bad or undesirable is great or intense.

  1. … a business with severe cash flow problems.
  2. I suffered from severe bouts of depression.
  3. Steve passed out on the floor and woke up blinded and in severe pain.
  4. Shortages of professional staff are very severe in some places.

What is a sentence for severe?

He suffered a severe head injury. He faces severe penalties for his actions. The war was a severe test of his leadership. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word ‘severe.

What are some examples of severe?

Examples of servers

  • Application server.
  • Blade server.
  • Cloud server.
  • Database server.
  • Dedicated server.
  • Domain name service.
  • File server.
  • Mail server.

What is a severe woman?

​not kind or showing sympathy; not smiling or showing approval synonym stern. a severe expression. She fixed them with a very severe look. She was a severe woman who seldom smiled.