Is rare an adjective or adverb?

Is rare an adjective or adverb?

In a rare moment of honesty, he told her what he had done. it is rare (for someone) to do something: It’s extremely rare for her to lose her temper. This is one of the rarest plants in the collection….rare ​Definitions and Synonyms ​‌‌‌

adjective rare
superlative rarest

Is rare and adverb?

Not occurring at a regular interval; seldom; not often. [from 16th c.] Unusually well; excellently.

Is rare a noun?

noun, plural rar·i·ties. something rare, unusual, or uncommon: Snowstorms are a rarity in the South. something esteemed or interesting in being rare, uncommon, or curious: That folio is a rarity that will bring a good price.

What type of adjective is rare?

rare used as an adjective: Very uncommon; scarce. Cooked very lightly, so the meat is still red (in the case of steak or beef in the general sense).

Is Rare the same as unique?

is that rare is (cooking|particularly meats) cooked very lightly, so the meat is still red (in the case of steak or beef in the general sense) or rare can be very uncommon; scarce while unique is (not comparable) being the only one of its kind; unequaled, unparalleled or unmatched.

How do you say something is very rare?


  1. rare. adjective. not often seen or found, and therefore admired or valued very much.
  2. precious. adjective. rare or very necessary and not to be wasted.
  3. scarce. adjective.
  4. uncommon. adjective.
  5. sought-after. adjective.
  6. short. adjective.
  7. hoped-for. adjective.
  8. longed-for. adjective.

How do you describe a rare person?

adj. 1 exceptional, few, infrequent, out of the ordinary, recherché, scarce, singular, sparse, sporadic, strange, thin on the ground, uncommon, unusual. 2 admirable, choice, excellent, exquisite, extreme, fine, great, incomparable, peerless, superb, superlative.

Is rare to find meaning?

If an event is rare, it doesn’t happen often. If an object is rare, there aren’t many of its kind. Obviously, finding a rare gem is a rare occasion. Rare comes from the Latin word rarus, meaning “widely spaced,” as rare things are — whether in actual space or in time.

What are some rare words?

Here are the fifteen most unusual words in the English language.

  • Serendipity. This word appears in numerous lists of untranslatable words.
  • Gobbledygook.
  • Scrumptious.
  • Agastopia.
  • Halfpace.
  • Impignorate.
  • Jentacular.
  • Nudiustertian.

Is it good to use rare words?

When used carefully and correctly, rare words can elevate your writing. However, the best rare words are ones you can use in daily life. The key to using words that make you sound smarter is understanding how to use these terms properly and when to add them to your speech and writing.

What do you call someone who uses uncommon words?

Originally Answered: What is a word for someone who uses a lot of uncommon or unusual words (not necessarily sesquipedalian )? Logophile just means someone who likes words. A logophile might be more likely to use unusual or abstruse words, but the characteristic the word refers to is simply the love of words.

What is the most common word?

100 most common words

Word Parts of speech OEC rank
the Article 1
be Verb 2
to Preposition 3
of Preposition 4

What are words that no one uses?

Here are seven words I think we should start using again immediately.

  • Facetious. Pronounced “fah-see-shuss”, this word describes when someone doesn’t take a situation seriously, which ironically is very serious indeed.
  • Henceforth.
  • Ostentatious.
  • Morrow.
  • Crapulous.
  • Kerfuffle.
  • Obsequious.

What do you call a person with good vocabulary?

Good vocabulary: Eloquent, well-versed, well-spoken, erudite, articulate. Poor vocabulary: linguistically challenged, inarticulate.

What is it called when you speak clearly?

Reach for articulate when you need an adjective meaning “well-spoken” (pronounced ar-TIC-yuh-lit) or a verb (ar-TIC-yuh-late) meaning “to speak or express yourself clearly.” The key to understanding articulate’s many uses is to think of the related noun article: an articulate person clearly pronounces each article of …

What is the word for not speaking clearly?

Like whispering, mumbling is usually done with a low voice. However, mumbling is harder to understand than a whisper. When we mumble, we don’t form out words clearly. Mumbling is the opposite of speaking clearly.

What is not speaking clearly?

slur. verb. to speak without pronouncing the words clearly or separately, for example because you are very tired or drunk.

What do you call it when someone doesn’t speak clearly?

Someone is speaking unintelligibly: being such that understanding or comprehension is difficult or impossible; incomprehensible.

Why can’t I say the words I’m thinking?

Aphasia is a communication disorder that makes it hard to use words. It can affect your speech, writing, and ability to understand language. Aphasia results from damage or injury to language parts of the brain. It’s more common in older adults, particularly those who have had a stroke.

Why can’t I say words properly?

Usually, a nerve or brain disorder has made it difficult to control the tongue, lips, larynx, or vocal cords, which make speech. Dysarthria, which is difficulty pronouncing words, is sometimes confused with aphasia, which is difficulty producing language. They have different causes.