Should the driving age stay at 16?

Should the driving age stay at 16?

Developmentally, teens at the age 16 are ready to start driving, Teens starting to drive at 16 bring less stress to families because the teens are able to drive themselves, and Starting driving at the age 16 helps maturity level grow and build responsibility. Therefore, the driver’s age should not be raised to 18.

Should the driving age be raised to 18 facts?

There are some strong, data-based arguments to be made in favor of raising the minimum driving age. The rate of fatal crashes per mile driven is around half as high for teens aged 18 or 19 as for 16- and 17-year-olds. It is thought that raising the driving age to 18 could help lower the overall rate of fatal crashes.

Why the driving age should stay at 16 pros and cons?

Pros & Cons of Driving at the Age of 16

  • Pro: Increased Independence. Prior to getting their driver’s license, teenagers must rely on their parents or older siblings to drive them to school, work, sporting events or social activities.
  • Cons: Lack of Experience.
  • Pro: More Time to Gain Experience.
  • Pro: Increased Responsibility.

Why is it good to drive at 16?

Driving at the age 16 is an amazing experience. Developmentally, teens at the age 16 are ready to start driving, Teens starting to drive at 16 bring less stress to families because the teens are able to drive themselves, and Starting driving at the age 16 helps maturity level grow and build responsibility.

What percent of 16-year-olds get in car accidents?


What is the most dangerous day of the week to drive?


What age group has a higher fatality rate than 16 17 year olds?

Drivers ages 16-17 continue to have the highest rates of crash involvement, injuries to themselves and others and deaths of others in crashes in which they are involved. Drivers age 80 and older have the highest rates of driver deaths.

How often do new drivers get into accidents?

Nationwide, 43 percent of first-year drivers and 37 percent of second-year drivers are involved in car crashes.

What age drivers are the riskiest?


Why are teenage drivers dangerous?

Speeding: Teenage drivers are more likely to engage in risky behaviors on the road, such as speeding. In addition, teen drivers also tend to tailgate more than other drivers. This further decreases the time they have to react to other motorists, which often causes them to get into car accidents.

What is the leading cause of death among teens?

The five leading causes of death among teenagers are Accidents (unintentional injuries), homicide, suicide, cancer, and heart disease. Accidents account for nearly one-half of all teenage deaths.

Do drivers or passengers die more?

According to a recent study by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, passengers in the backseat are 46 percent more likely to die in a car crash than front seat passengers and drivers.

Where is the most dangerous place to sit in a car?

It remains the conventional wisdom that sitting in the back of a vehicle is safer than sitting in the front, especially for passengers in the “death seat,” as the spot next to the driver used to be called.

What is the safest place to sit in a car?

There are a lot of discussions and expert recommendations that children should sit in the back seat of a vehicle as it is the safest place to be in an accident. In fact, experts said the back seat is the safest place for anyone to ride.

What age group speeds the most?

Teens are more likely than older drivers to speed and allow shorter headways (the distance from the front of one vehicle to the front of the next). In 2018, 30% of male drivers aged 15–20 years and 18% of female drivers aged 15–20 years who were involved in fatal crashes were speeding.

Who gets more tickets Male or female?

Tickets by gender Men are more likely to get tickets! Girls win! According to an infographic by esurance , which polled more than 850 in the United States, men are 13 percent more likely to receive a traffic ticket than women.

Who has more car accidents male or female?

But let’s look at the numbers: Men cause 6.1 million accidents per year and women cause 4.4 million per year (National Highway Safety Administration) On average, men drive 16,550 miles and women drive 10,142 miles per year ( Federal Highway Administration)

Which gender is the safer driver?


What state has the highest rate of car accidents?

US States With the Most Car Accidents

  • Florida is the state with the most car accidents, but Texas had the most fatal accidents in 2018.
  • Around six million automobile collisions occur in the US every year.
  • The leading causes of collisions throughout the country are speeding, distracted driving, and driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

What country has the most accidents?


What car has most deaths?


What is the deadliest highway in the world?

Carretera a los Yungas (Bolivia) Locally known as the ‘route of death’, this Bolivian road is 80 km long and considered by many as the world’s most dangerous road.

Which is the dangerous road in the world?

North Yungas Road

Which country has best roads?

Top Countries in the World with the Best Roads

  • The Netherlands. Although the terrain of this country is almost flat, the construction of roads here is also a problem.
  • Finland. Despite its difficult climate and swampy soil, Finland still has high quality roads.
  • Oman.
  • Switzerland.
  • Austria.
  • Germany.
  • Portugal.
  • Singapore.

What is the most dangerous animal?


Source: CNET Source: BBC News
Animal Humans killed per year
1 Mosquitoes 725,000
2 Humans (homicides only) 50,000
3 Snakes 25,000

What is the cutest animal ever?

The cutest animals in the world that you never knew existed

  • Margay, Central and South America.
  • Red panda, South and central Asia.
  • Capybara, South America.
  • Patagonian mara, South America.
  • Numbat, Australia.
  • Mangalitsa, Hungary.
  • Elephant shrew, Africa.
  • Tarsier, Philippines. With its giant eyes, tiny body and round head, which can rotate 180 degrees, the tarsier is strikingly cute.