What answers the question to or for whom?

What answers the question to or for whom?

The (direct) object answers the question “to or for whom “. The (direct) object answers the question “to or for whom “. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Who whom which and that are examples of?

Use who and whom to refer to people. Use “who” when you refer to the subject of a clause and “whom” when you refer to the object of a clause (for information regarding subjects versus objects, please refer to Sentence Elements). For example: Joe, who likes blue, met Bob, whom he had never met before.

In which verb we receive an answer to what or whom?

Even native English speakers get confused by this, because our instinct tells us that whom, not who, should follow the preposition with. However, there is another rule in English which dictates that every verb in a tense needs a subject. Here, whoever is the correct choice, since the verb answers needs a subject.

Who we are or whom we are?

When in doubt, try this simple trick: If you can replace the word with “he”’ or “’she,” use who. If you can replace it with “him” or “her,” use whom. Who should be used to refer to the subject of a sentence. Whom should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition.

Can we say who we are?

“Who are we?” is correct. Single verb examples: Note this is different from the standard word order for a declarative sentence, which is: subject — verb — object.

Who or whom after a name?

The commonly repeated advice for remembering whether to use who or whom is this: If you can replace the word with he or she or another subject pronoun, use who. If you can replace it with him or her (or another object pronoun), use whom.

Who may I say is calling?

The subject is clearly “I”, and the predicate is “should say X is calling”. While there is an object involved, the object is a clause, ie it has a subject and verb. “is calling” needs a subject, that subject is what you are actually asking about. “whom” cannot be a subject, so it is “who”.

Who should I say called Meaning?

In a telephone conversation, if the phone is picked up by someone the call wasn’t intended for, the speaker on the line will ask for the intended recipient. The picker-upper will then ask “Who should i say is calling?” so that – when they pass the phone to the intended recipient – they can say who is on the line.

What answers the question to or for whom?

What answers the question to or for whom?

The (indirect object/direct) object answers the question “to or for whom ” The (direct) object answers the question “to or for whom “. The (direct) object answers the question “to or for whom “. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Is it correct to say how comes?

Bernhard Sulzer: how come is a standard phrase but it is not necessarily always acceptable English (more a colloquialism); how comes – if it’s not short for how comes it – is definitely slang and grammatically wrong. / Thanks! 😉

How it comes meaning?

1. used when you want to know why something has happened or why a particular situation exists. How come you’re not at work today?

Is how come Formal?

How come is not used in formal writing or speech; it is distinctly casual.

What does comes now mean?

used for telling someone not to be upset or nervous. Synonyms and related words. – Ways of telling someone not to worry or be upset. cheer up.

What means instant case?

Current or present. When composing a legal brief, an attorney might use the phrase the instant case in reference to the case currently before the court to distinguish it from other cases discussed.

How do you spell come slang?

Come on has been used as a verb phrase since at least the 1400s. C’mon is most commonly used as an interjection, especially one said when you’re annoyed. It’s very informal and is often followed by an informal term of address, such as man, dude, y’all, and guys.

Is aforementioned outdated?

3 Answers. No, aforementioned is formal and permissible in all scenarios where it is grammatically correct. An example: Indeed, scientific metaphors and analogies surface regularly in the text which, as noted earlier, is easy to follow with persistence on the part of the reader but is strangely unrewarding.

What is the difference between aforementioned and forementioned?

In general, there’s no difference, both ‘forementioned’ and ‘aforementioned’ mean the same: reference to something that has already been mentioned. The terms, these days, when used are mostly found in official or legal documents, rather than in general conversation or written material.

What’s the opposite of aforementioned?

Antonyms: following, undermentioned. Synonyms: aforesaid, mentioned, abovementioned. aforementioned(adjective)

Is forementioned a word?

Mentioned earlier or above; already cited.

What is a aforementioned?

Once you’ve written about something, it can then be referred to as aforementioned. You already know that to mention something is to bring it up, so if you consider that afore sounds a little like before, you’ll know that aforementioned is simply something that’s been said previously.

What’s another word for aforementioned?

What is another word for aforementioned?

aforesaid foregoing
earlier mentioned previously mentioned
prior mentioned selfsame
same above
abovelisted above-named

How do you use aforementioned?

Aforementioned sentence example

  1. In spite of the aforementioned snags, life was a proverbial bucket of roses.
  2. Military heroes of the last several centuries, such as the aforementioned Lafayette and Hamilton and Travis, were not bloodthirsty.

Does As aforementioned make sense?

As you said, ‘aforementioned’ is usually a modifier in itself, and so doesn’t take kindly to modifiers used on it. “Aforementioned in the introduction…” just doesn’t make sense.

What does afor mean?

Alternative Form of Regulation

How do you use aforementioned in a sentence?

Aforementioned in a Sentence ?

  1. Any of the aforementioned applicants will make great company employees.
  2. Before any of the aforementioned performers take the stage, the judges will decide which individual will leave the contest tonight.

Can you say as previously mentioned in an essay?

I never use “as mentioned previously”. Its better to say “as mentioned before/ earlier/In reference to”. You can always highlight and inform about the line/ paragraph and write it as “In reference to or Regarding”.

What does change for the better mean?

: an improvement in situation or state of affairs over what was We’re seeing a change for the better in the economy.

Is it above mentioned or abovementioned?

The difference between Above-mentioned and Abovementioned When used as adjectives, above-mentioned means mentioned or named before, whereas abovementioned means mentioned above. Above-mentioned as an adjective: Mentioned or named before; aforesaid.

What answers the question to or for whom?

What answers the question to or for whom?

The (direct) object answers the question “to or for whom “. The (direct) object answers the question “to or for whom “. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

In which verb we receive an answer to what or whom?

Even native English speakers get confused by this, because our instinct tells us that whom, not who, should follow the preposition with. However, there is another rule in English which dictates that every verb in a tense needs a subject. Here, whoever is the correct choice, since the verb answers needs a subject.

Who we are or whom we are?

When in doubt, try this simple trick: If you can replace the word with “he”’ or “’she,” use who. If you can replace it with “him” or “her,” use whom. Who should be used to refer to the subject of a sentence. Whom should be used to refer to the object of a verb or preposition.

Can we say who we are?

“Who are we?” is correct. Single verb examples: Note this is different from the standard word order for a declarative sentence, which is: subject — verb — object.

Who or whom after a name?

The commonly repeated advice for remembering whether to use who or whom is this: If you can replace the word with he or she or another subject pronoun, use who. If you can replace it with him or her (or another object pronoun), use whom.

Who vs whom for a group?

You can use either who or which to refer to collectives, such as group, team. It was the group who/which decided. Use whom to refer to the person previously mentioned in a sentence when they are the object, not the subject. Whom is a relative pronoun when it refers to a noun preceding it.

Who may I say is calling?

The subject is clearly “I”, and the predicate is “should say X is calling”. While there is an object involved, the object is a clause, ie it has a subject and verb. “is calling” needs a subject, that subject is what you are actually asking about. “whom” cannot be a subject, so it is “who”.

Who’s calling Meaning?

Filters. Used by a phone-call receiver to ask the identity of the caller. phrase.

Who’s calling please meaning?

Often made more polite by adding “please” to the end of the question. A: “Good afternoon. Could I speak to Ms. Sanders, please?” B: “She’s in a meeting at the moment. May I ask who’s calling?” A: “Hello, is this the Martens residence?” B: “Yes, who’s calling, please?”

Is calling a synonym?

Some common synonyms of calling are business, employment, métier, occupation, pursuit, and work. While all these words mean “a specific sustained activity engaged in especially in earning one’s living,” calling applies to an occupation viewed as a vocation or profession.

What is another word for contact?

What is another word for contact?

interaction communication
correspondence dealings
meetings relations
connection exchange
touch communion

What is a calling?

1 : a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence. 2 : the vocation or profession in which one customarily engages. 3 : the characteristic cry of a female cat in heat also : the period of heat.

What is another word for your calling?

What is another word for calling?

profession line
person’s calling area of expertise
recruitment hiring
proceeding care
gift authority

What does cry out mean?

1 : to make a loud sound because of pain, fear, surprise, etc. She cried out in pain. 2 : to speak in a loud voice : to say something loudly or from a distance We could hear them on the shore crying out to us, so we waved.

What answers the question to or for whom?

What answers the question to or for whom?

The (direct) object answers the question “to or for whom “. The (direct) object answers the question “to or for whom “. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful.

Who vs whom in questions?

If the preposition is at the end of the question, informal English uses “who” instead of “whom.” (As seen in “Who will I speak with” above.) However, if the question begins with a preposition, you will need to use “whom,” whether the sentence is formal or informal.

How do you use whom in a sentence?

Example sentences: Correct use of whom

  1. With whom am I speaking? ( I am speaking with him/her.
  2. To whom this may concern. ( This concerns him/her.
  3. A number of friends went to the cinema, one of whom was the birthday boy.
  4. Actually, she knew very little about the man with whom she had promised to spend the summer.

How do you answer whom?

Ask yourself if the answer to the question would be he/she or him/her. If you can answer the question with him/her, then use whom. It’s easy to remember because they both end with m. If you can answer the question with he/she, then use who.

Who is example sentences?

(1) Who keeps company with the wolf will learn to howl. (2) He who allows himself to be insulted, deserves to be. (3) No man is useless in this world who lightens the burden of someone else.

Who should I contact or whom?

It is always correct to say “whom” to contact, and never correct to say “who” to contact. Think about it. “You should contact me, him, us, them” – not “You should contact I, he, she, we, they”. Therefore we use “whom”, the Objective or Accusative case.

Who I recommend or whom I recommend?

Grammar experts suggest that we can determine whether to use who or whom by substituting the personal pronouns he/him or she/her. If he or she is the correct substitution, the proper choice is who. If him or her is appropriate, use whom.

Is it who to ask or whom to ask?

Is it who to ask or Whom to ask? The grammatically correct way to phrase this is whom to ask. The phrase to ask really means should I ask. Whenever we need a pronoun that refers to the subject, we use who.

Who is VS that is?

When you are determining whether you should use who or that, keep these simple guidelines in mind: Who is always used to refer to people. That is always used when you are talking about an object. That can also be used when you are talking about a class or type of person, such as a team.

Who and which sentences?

A who/which clause cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. Moms: The “who/which” clause is one of several kinds of dependent clauses. This one is an adjective clause because the entire clause describes a noun and therefore follows a noun. Grammar Rule #10: The who/which clause is usually set off by commas.

Who vs which animals?

The Associated Press Stylebook (AP style) says that animals with names should be referred to as who, while animals without names should be referred to as that or which.

Which used in grammar?

We also use which to introduce a relative clause when it refers to a whole clause or sentence: She seemed more talkative than usual, which was because she was nervous.

Who should I say has called?

You would use the nominative case since “she” is the subject of the verb phrase “is calling”. Likewise you should use the nominative , not objective, case for the interrogative pronoun, so you should say “who”.

Is am grammatically correct?

In terms of appropriateness, “I am” is the most formal and is almost always safe to use. In descending order of formality: I am – In business writing especially to someone from another company and other situations where a formal tone is appropriate, use: “I am” I’m – Usually ok except in formal writing.

Is bestest a real word?

Bestest means “the very best,” “the best of the best,” or “better than the best.” It is formed by adding the superlative suffix -est to the word best. This practice is grammatically incorrect, because best is already the superlative of good.

What is Bestie mean?

best friend

Is it correct to say where is it at?

3 Answers. Yes, your statement was perfectly grammatical. Your customer is correct that you don’t have to say ‘at’: “where it is” is every bit as acceptable as—and in some circumstances more acceptable than—“where it’s at”, but “where it’s at” is not ungrammatical as such.

What is a better word than best?

other words for the best admirable. excellent. first-rate. magnificent. marvelous.

How do you say something is the best?

Improve Your English Vocabulary: 10 Great Alternatives to “Good”

  1. Cool. In addition to being used to describe temperature, “cool” also means very good or fashionable.
  2. Excellent. “Excellent” is used to describe something very good or of high quality.
  3. Wonderful.
  4. Perfect.
  5. Fantastic.
  6. Exceptional.
  7. Terrific.
  8. Outstanding.

What word describes the best?


  • best. adjective. used for referring to the person or thing that is the most satisfactory, suitable, pleasant, effective, of the highest quality etc.
  • ideal. adjective.
  • first class. adjective.
  • first-rate. adjective.
  • incomparable. adjective.
  • unsurpassed. adjective.
  • premier. adjective.
  • par excellence. adjective.

What is a good word for different?

Synonyms & Antonyms of different

  • disparate,
  • dissimilar,
  • distant,
  • distinct,
  • distinctive,
  • distinguishable,
  • diverse,
  • nonidentical,

How do you describe different?

other words for different

  • contrasting.
  • disparate.
  • distinct.
  • distinctive.
  • diverse.
  • offbeat.
  • peculiar.
  • various.

How do you say completely different?

Synonyms for Completely different

  1. quite different.
  2. very different.
  3. totally different.
  4. entirely different.
  5. significantly different.
  6. much different.
  7. vastly different.
  8. so different.