What are 3 ways to say your in French?

What are 3 ways to say your in French?

mon/ton/son/notre/votre/leur in the masculine singular. ma/ta/sa/notre/votre/leur in the feminine singular. mes/tes/ses/nos/vos/leurs in the plural.

How do you use your in French?

2: When using “our”, “your”, or “their”

  1. my. masculine. mon. feminine. ma. before vowel.
  2. your. (singular, informal) masculine. ton. feminine. ta.
  3. his, her, its. masculine. son. feminine. sa. before vowel.
  4. our. masculine. notre. feminine. notre. before vowel.
  5. your. (plural or formal) masculine. votre. feminine.
  6. their. masculine. leur. feminine. leur.

What is the formal word for your in French?


What are two ways to say your in French?

So, you see that there are only two forms of ‘your’ when you’re using ‘vous’. There’s the singular ‘votre’ and the plural ‘vos’. We have le tien, la tienne, les tiens and les tiennes, which all mean ‘yours’ in the masculine singular, feminine singular, masculine plural and the feminine plural forms.

What is vous used for in French?

Knowing when to use which French pronoun will help you navigate through many social situations. “Tu” is only used to address one person, while “vous” is used to address one or more people. As a singular second person pronoun, “vous” is used in more formal contexts while “tu” is more familiar.

Does vous mean they?

In a nutshell, tu is informal and singular, while vous is formal and/or plural. That is, if you’re talking to more than one person, it doesn’t matter what your relationship is – you always need vous. It’s only when talking to a single person that the choice must be made.

What is the difference between on and nous in French?

Nous is a plural pronoun: this is the we you use mostly in written form, or when you want to be more formal. On is a more informal we, used predominantly in speech or casual writing (in emails to your friends for example).

What is the difference between vous and ILS?

Use vous if you are talking to one person you do not know so well or to more than one person. il/ils (masculine singular/plural) and elle/elles (feminine singular/plural) are used to refer to things, as well as to people or animals. il is also used in certain set phrases.

What is the Participe present in French?

The participe présent (present participle) is a form of verb similar to the English ‘-ing’ form. It is invariable and always ends with -ant….The present participle.

Infinitive Present Present participle
Arriver nous arrivons arrivant
Pouvoir nous pouvons pouvant
Finir nous finissons finissant

What is the French infinitive for to be?

To form the past infinitive The past infinitive is a compound construction that’s formed with an auxiliary verb être (to be) or avoir (to have) and a past participle. The past infinitive denotes an action that occurs before the action of the main verb. The past infinitive is used in four instances.