What are 5 facts about diamonds?

What are 5 facts about diamonds?

5 Fun Facts About Diamonds

  • The diamond is more than a billion years old.
  • Diamonds are the hardest natural substance on earth.
  • Diamonds are made of only one element: carbon.
  • Diamonds come in every color.
  • Scientists have discovered a planet that they believe is composed mostly of carbon, and is one-third pure diamond.

What’s special about diamonds?

In addition to being the hardest substance known to man, diamonds also have unrivalled thermal conductivity (100x better than copper) and inertness, which makes poor quality ‘boart’ diamonds ideal for a whole host of next generation technology uses today.

What are the 4 types of diamonds?

In the eyes of the consumer, there are four main diamond types:

  • Natural Diamonds. Regular white colorless diamonds.
  • Lab Grown Diamonds. Lab grown diamonds also known as man-made diamonds are somewhat of a growinng trend that is developing more and more last few years.
  • Treated Diamonds.
  • Natural Fancy Color Diamonds.

What are 4 important uses of a diamond?

What are Diamonds Used for?

  • Diamonds in Jewellery. Most people are familiar with the fact that diamonds serve as jewellery.
  • Diamonds in Industry. Other than applying in jewellery, diamonds are also a majorly used metal in industries.
  • Automotive Industry.
  • Stone Polishing and Cutting.
  • Highway Construction and Repair.

What Colour is a diamond?

Diamonds occur in a variety of colors—steel gray, white, blue, yellow, orange, red, green, pink to purple, brown, and black. Colored diamonds contain interstitial impurities or structural defects that cause the coloration; pure diamonds are perfectly transparent and colorless.

How diamond is formed?

Diamonds were formed over 3 billion years ago deep within the Earth’s crust under conditions of intense heat and pressure that cause carbon atoms to crystallise forming diamonds. Diamonds are found at a depth of approx. 150-200km below the surface of the Earth.

What is the color of a diamond?

Diamonds occur in a variety of colors—steel gray, white, blue, yellow, orange, red, green, pink to purple, brown, and black. Colored diamonds contain interstitial impurities or structural defects that cause the coloration; pure diamonds are perfectly transparent and colorless.

What is the Colour of a diamond?

Why is diamond expensive?

The rarity, difficulties in mining, durability, cut, clarity, color, and carat of diamonds make them expensive and in demand. Only 30% of the mined diamond stones match the standard gem quality that is required. It is this rarity of stone that makes them the world’s most expensive diamond.

Where is diamond found?

Natural diamond has been discovered in 35 countries. Some diamonds have been found in the United States. Colorado, for instance, has produced a small number of diamonds. The following countries produce industrial grade diamonds: Australia, Botswana, Brazil, China, Congo, Russia and South Africa.

What is diamond made of?

Diamonds are made of carbon so they form as carbon atoms under a high temperature and pressure; they bond together to start growing crystals.

What is unique about diamonds?

Diamonds are unique because of the special conditions that create them. They are formed in what’s known as “diamond stability zones.” These zones are found deep within the upper mantle, over 100 miles below the Earth’s surface, with temperatures reaching 2200 degrees Fahrenheit and up to 725,000 pounds of pressure per square inch.

What are some names of diamonds?

Diamond Related Names. Variants of the name Diamond include Dyamond, Dymond, Dymund. The names Diamanda, Diamanta, Diamantina, Dimen are all forms of Diamond.

What is a diamond grade?

Diamond grading is the act of assessing a diamond and grading it according to industry set diamond standards. When grading a diamond, a gemologist will first establish the 4 C’s of the stone. While these are not the only factors that affect diamond price, they are arguably the most important.