What are guide words dictionary?

What are guide words dictionary?

: either of the terms at the head of a page of an alphabetical reference work (such as a dictionary) indicating the alphabetically first and last words on the page.

Which word would you find on a dictionary page with the following guide words?

The definition of a guide word is a word printed at the top of a page indicating the first or last word entry on that page. An example of guide word is the word “hesitate” printed on a page in a dictionary with the word “hesitate” listed as the first word on the page.

What word comes before vacation in a dictionary?

Answer. Answer: Freedom from any activity; rest; respite; intermission.

What’s short for vacation?

If you look at its online use, you’ll see that “vacay” is used 6x more than “vaycay”. “Vacay” also looks more similar to its root “vacation” – it looks more like a contraction.

What’s another word for vacation?

Vacation Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for vacation?

break leave
recess holiday
trip furlough
tour holidays
respite getaway

What is a person on vacation called?

Vacationer | Definition of Vacationer at Dictionary.com.

What word rhymes with vacation?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
temptation 100 Noun
reconciliation 100 Noun
vibration 100 Noun
decoration 100 Noun

What is another word for relax?

What is another word for relax?

unwind rest
laze repose
lounge chill
idle loll
luxuriate loaf

What is the opposite of relax?

What is the opposite of relax?

disturb agitate
harass incite
irritate madden
perturb rouse
worry key up

Which is the best synonyms for relax?


  • calm.
  • recline.
  • soften.
  • unwind.
  • laze.
  • repose.
  • rest.
  • tranquilize.

What Rhymes With apart for a poem?

What rhymes with apart?

  • 1 syllable. Part. Start. Smart. Heart. Card. Scarred. Guard. Art. Spark. Park. Sharp.
  • 2 syllables. Jumpstart. Upstart. Junkyard. Retard. Depart. Restart. Impart. Mozart. Rampart. Walmart. Headstart.
  • 3 syllables. Bonaparte. Boulevard. Leotard. Leonhard. Lionheart. Disregard. Counterpart. Bodyguard. Mastercard. Disembark. Correspond.

What word rhymes with mask?

Word Rhyme rating Meter
cask 100 [/]
casque 100 [/]
masque 100 [/]
Asc 100 [/]

What word rhymes with ask?

Word Rhyme rating Categories
mask 100 Noun
flask 100 Noun
cask 100 Noun
bask 100 Verb