What are super words?

What are super words?

Here are some super words which have the same root: Superb – excellent. Supercilious – proud, arrogant (from the Latin for above the eyelid) Supercomputer – extra powerful and quick computer. Superfine – extremely refined, over refined.

What does prefix super mean?

super- Prefix. Latin, over, above, in addition, from super over, above, on top of — more at over.

What are words that have prefix in it?

Common Prefixes

Prefix Meaning Examples
contra-, contro- against, opposite contradict, contrast, contrary, controversy
de- down, off, away from devalue, deactivate, debug, degrade, deduce
dis- not, apart, away disappear, disagreeable, disbar, dissect
en- put into, cover with enclose, entangle, enslave, encase

What does the prefix super mean in supersonic?

beyond a standard or norm; exceeding or exceedinglysupersonic.

Is Super a prefix for natural?

Unnatural adds the “not” prefix un- to natural, which comes from the Latin word naturalis, “by birth,” or “according to nature.”

Is Super a root word?

The prefix super- and its variant sur- mean “over.” Examples using this prefix include superior, supervise, surname, and surface. An easy way to remember that the prefix super- means “over” is through the comic book hero Superman, who is the man “over” all other men in terms of physical power.

Is Super a prefix or root?

Prefix SUPER is widely used to form new words which may convey totally different meanings. A Prefix is placed before a root word to make a new word. This ROOT-WORD is the Prefix SUPER meaning OVER, ABOVE, BEYOND & GREATER IN QUALITY.

When did Super become a word?

“Super” (from the same word in Latin, meaning above, over or beyond) has been around as an adjective and noun since the mid-19th century and as a prefix long before that.

What word start with super?

13-letter words that start with super

  • supercomputer.
  • superstitious.
  • superposition.
  • supermajority.
  • supercritical.
  • superordinate.
  • supernumerary.
  • superannuated.

What word ends with Ive?

List of Words Ending With ‘ive’

  • dive. five. give. hive. jive. live. rive. vive. wive.
  • alive. chive. drive. naive. ogive. olive. reive. shive. skive. swive. waive.
  • active. arrive. belive. dative. derive. endive. glaive. motive. native. regive. relive. revive.
  • abusive. amative. amusive. archive. beehive. captive. codrive. connive. costive. cursive. deceive.

What are some pre words?

“Pre-”: The Prefix of Prefixes

  • prefix: morpheme fastened ‘before’ a root of a word.
  • prevent: come ‘before’
  • precise: cut ‘before’
  • prejudice: judge ‘before’
  • preview: see ‘before’
  • predict: say ‘before’
  • prepare: get ready ‘before’
  • precaution: a being cautious ‘beforehand’

What are the 10 examples of prefix?

10 Examples of Prefixes

  • Sub- Definition: under. Example Sentence: He has never seen a blue submarine in the my life.
  • Post- Definition: postgraduate.
  • Auto- Definition: self.
  • Un- Definition: not.
  • Semi- Definition: half.
  • Mis- Definition: Wrong, wrongly.
  • Dis- Definition: Not, opposite of.
  • Re- Definition: Again.

What is pre short for?


Acronym Definition
PRE Pre-Retirement Education
PRE Progressive Resistive Exercise
PRE Performance Routing Engine
PRE Permanently Reinvested Earnings (finance)

What is full form of pre?

PRE Full Form is Proportionate Reduction Of Error

Term Definition Category
PRE Progressive Resistance Exercise Physiology
PRE processing refabrication experiment Government
PRE Patent Retrieval Expert Job Title
PRE preformatted Government

Is Pre short for something?

a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, where it meant “before” (preclude; prevent); applied freely as a prefix, with the meanings “prior to,” “in advance of,” “early,” “beforehand,” “before,” “in front of,” and with other figurative meanings (preschool; prewar; prepay; preoral; prefrontal).

How do you use the word pre?

Pre is defined as something that happens before the next word. An example of the pre prefix is preschool or school you attend before you officially start school. An example of the pre prefix is preheat, or to heat an oven before you put something in to cook. Before the usual or expected time for doing so.

Is Prethink a word?

Prethink (Pre-think)

Is Preteach a word?

(teaching) To teach something (an idea, a word) before using it in a real situation.

What is the other word for think?

What is another word for think?

believe gather
reckon suspect
assume figure
presume expect
feel imagine

What is another word for pre existing?

What is another word for preexisting?

foregoing preceding
previous earlier
former antecedent
preexistent established
prior anterior

What is the difference between existing and pre-existing?

As adjectives the difference between existing and preexisting. is that existing is that exists, or has existence, especially that exists now while preexisting is .

What is it called when you rearrange the letters of a word?

An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. The original word or phrase is known as the subject of the anagram. Any word or phrase that exactly reproduces the letters in another order is an anagram.

What is another word for new?

What is another word for new?

creative fresh
innovational innovatory
inventive new-fashioned
trendy unprecedented
far out groovy

What is a word for new and different?

When they say ‘new approach’ they imply both new and different. But you should mind the word combinations like ‘innovative approach’, ‘advanced technology’. Following Pureferret’s comment, if we refer to programming, and need a single new and different something, we use ‘unique’ like ‘unique key’ in database.

What is an antonym for new?

new. Antonyms: old, ancient, antique, antiquated, obsolete. Synonyms: novel, recent, fresh, modern.

What is poor antonym?

Antonyms: good. Definition: having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified. Main entry: hapless, poor, piteous, pitiable, pitiful, wretched, miserable, misfortunate, pathetic.

What are two synonyms for new?

other words for new

  • contemporary.
  • current.
  • different.
  • late.
  • modern.
  • state-of-the-art.
  • unfamiliar.
  • unusual.

What is the opposite word of rich?

Opposite of owning a lot of resources, such as money or property. poor. impoverished. destitute. beggared.

Which word is similar to Rich?


  • flush.
  • loaded.
  • moneyed.
  • opulent.
  • prosperous.
  • rich.
  • stinking rich.
  • upper class.

What are super words?

What are super words?

Here are some super words which have the same root: Superb – excellent. Supercilious – proud, arrogant (from the Latin for above the eyelid) Supercomputer – extra powerful and quick computer. Superfine – extremely refined, over refined.

What does prefix super mean?

super- Prefix. Latin, over, above, in addition, from super over, above, on top of — more at over.

What is the compound word of super?

a prefix occurring originally in loanwords from Latin, with the basic meaning “above, beyond.” Words formed with super- have the following general senses: “to place or be placed above or over” (superimpose; supersede), “a thing placed over or added to another” (superscript; superstructure; supertax), “situated over” ( …

What does the prefix super mean in supersonic?

beyond a standard or norm; exceeding or exceedinglysupersonic.

What are words like super called?


  • great.
  • magnificent.
  • marvelous.
  • outstanding.
  • sensational.
  • superb.
  • terrific.
  • topnotch.

What does super mean in a sentence?

The definition of super is something great, excellent or extreme.

Is amazing better than excellent?

As adjectives the difference between excellent and amazing is that excellent is of the highest quality; splendid while amazing is causing wonder and amazement; possessing uniquely wonderful qualities.

What is a better word than awesome?

SYNONYMS. breathtaking, amazing, stunning, astounding, astonishing, awe-inspiring, stupendous, staggering, extraordinary, incredible, unbelievable. magnificent, wonderful, spectacular, remarkable, phenomenal, prodigious, miraculous, sublime.

What is a better word than excellent?

sterling, superlative, great, good, exemplary, exceptional, skillful, admirable, outstanding, magnificent, superb, accomplished, first-rate, attractive, finest, fine, distinguished, exquisite, capital, champion.

What is a good word for good?


  • 1 pure, moral, conscientious; meritorious, worthy, exemplary, upright.
  • 2 adequate.
  • 3 outstanding, admirable.
  • 5 obedient, heedful.
  • 6 kindly, benevolent, humane, gracious, obliging.
  • 23 goodly, adequate.
  • 24 profitable, useful, serviceable, beneficial.

What is another word for good at?

What is another word for be good at?

excel shine
be proficient be successful
be talented be unparalleled
be unrivalled be very good
do well reign supreme

What are some positive d words?

Positive Adjectives That Start With D

  • daffy.
  • dainty.
  • dandy.
  • dapper.
  • daring.
  • dashing.
  • daughterly.
  • dazzling.

What do you call a female warrior?

A virago is a woman who demonstrates exemplary and heroic qualities. There are recorded instances of viragos (such as Joan of Arc) fighting battles, wearing men’s clothing, or receiving the tonsure.

What words attract customers?

So here you go, here are 10 words customers love to hear when making a decision:

  • Free. If you think “free” is sleazy and overused, think again.
  • Exclusive. Everyone want to be in the “in” crowd.
  • Easy.
  • Limited.
  • Get.
  • Guaranteed.
  • You.
  • Because.

What are 5 words that describe your brand?

Adjectives for Brands

  • Active. Adorable. Adventurous. Ambitious. Artistic. Athletic. Bold. Calm. Caring.
  • Direct. Dramatic. Dynamic. Eager. Earthy. Eccentric. Efficient. Elegant. Enchanting.
  • Impactful. Industrial. Informal. Innovative. Inspiring. Intense. Intentional. Inviting.
  • Relaxing. Reliable. Retro. Revolutionary. Romantic. Rustic. Scholarly. Secure.

How do you attract customers?

It turns out that a seven-step approach works best for attracting new clients.

  1. Identify Your Ideal Client.
  2. Discover Where Your Customer Lives.
  3. Know Your Business Inside and Out.
  4. Position Yourself as the Answer.
  5. Try Direct Response Marketing.
  6. Build Partnerships.
  7. Follow Up.

What are power words in sales?

So what are Power Words? Power words are persuasive words used to trigger a psychological and/or emotional response. They are called power words because they compel people to take action.

What is the most powerful word in sales?

The 5 Most Powerful Words in Sales

  • Focus on benefits, not specifications. I wanted to cut up some fallen trees.
  • Focus on value, not price.
  • Focus on show, not learn.
  • Focus on emotions, not reasons.
  • Focus on you, not I.