What are the 10 matches for marriage in Tamil?

What are the 10 matches for marriage in Tamil?

The ten poruthams considered today are:

  • Dina Porutham – good health and prosperity.
  • Gana Porutham – matching of temperaments.
  • Rajju Porutham – husband’s long life.
  • Rasi Porutham – continuation of progeny.
  • Yoni Porutham – sexual compatibility.
  • Vedha Porutham – ward of evil and pitfalls.

Should Stars match marriage?

For marriage alliance, the Hindus practice ‘star matching’ or ‘nakshatra porutham’. It is believed that the better the stars match, the better the compatibility between the two individuals and the deeper will be the intimacy of the couple culminating in a lasting marriage.

What are the matching stars for Revathi nakshatra?

Consequently, Revathi nakshatra finds itself on a compatible wave length with Shravana, Uttaraashada, Krittika, Rohini and Pushya nakshatras.

What is Rasi Porutham?

Rasi Porutham means the compatibility of Zodiac Signs. According to Indian Astrology, the position of the moon at birth time determines the Zodiac Sign (Rasi) of a person. This obviously points to the significance of Rasi Porutham. It acts as the remedy for the absence of other compatibilities like Gana Porutham.

How do I find the best match for my marriage?

10 Tips to Help You Pick a Good Partner

  1. People will tell you exactly who they are; it’s up to you to listen.
  2. Take a test drive.
  3. Look for someone who is kind and loving.
  4. Make sure the person you’re seeing doesn’t smoke, even if you do.
  5. Find someone you can talk to.
  6. Make sure you have the basics in common.

Are there any horoscope matching sites in Tamil?

Horoscope matching for marriage free and Jathagam Porutham Tamil is offered by ePanchang.com; FREE marriage matching horoscope by rasi and nakshatra with dosha samyam and horoscope matching chart is provided with porutham in detail.

Where to get free horoscope matching for marriage?

Come inside, get your horoscope matching for marriage free of cost. ePanchang, the portal that is a result of many years of extensive research, offers its services of horoscope matching for marriage free, to all users. Why use epanchang? Let us say we have a set of 20 jathagam.

Which is the best site for marriage matching?

Marriage matching horoscope. Marriage matching means horoscope matching and epanchang is one of the most popular sites for marriage matching and horoscope generation. ePanchang gives out free horoscopes or jathagam in Tamil, that you can prepare for yourself, your family and friends.

How long does it take to get a matching horoscope?

And we take these 20 horoscopes to the astrologer, to get a matching report. The astrologer usually takes a few days to get the jathagam matching done and get back to you. In this jet age, that is precious few days that you do not want to waste; in addition to the time that you are losing on travel and waiting.