What are the consequences of being a bystander?

What are the consequences of being a bystander?

Not only do they feel bad for what happened to the victim, but they also experience overwhelming guilt for not intervening. They also can feel guilty for not knowing what to do, or for being too fearful to step in.

What is being an Upstander?

/ʌpstandə/ noun. A person who speaks or acts in support of an individual or cause, particularly someone who intervenes on behalf of a person being attacked or bullied.

What should a bystander do?

Supportive bystanders A supportive bystander will use words and/or actions that can help someone who is being bullied. If bystanders are confident to take safe and effective action to support victims then there is a greater possibility that bullying can stop and the person who is bullied can recover.

Why you should not be a bystander?

Bystanders can unintentionally damage a person’s mental and emotional state. Feelings of depression, anger, resentment, anxiety, and self-consciousness are all possible when someone goes through a traumatic event alone.

What is a negative bystander?

Bystanders witness bullying, but are not directly involved as a bully or victim; however, they often engage in negative bystander behavior.

How do I become an up stander?

Becoming an Upstander looks like this:

  1. Taking action by telling the bully to stop.
  2. Taking action by getting others to stand up to the bully with them.
  3. Taking action by helping the victim.
  4. Taking action by shifting the focus and redirecting the bully away from the victim.
  5. Taking action by telling an adult who can help.

Who are some Upstanders today?

Current Upstanders

  • Kristen Bell.
  • Don Cheadle.
  • Emmanuelle Chriqui.
  • George Clooney.
  • Luol Deng.
  • Ryan Gosling.
  • Carla Gugino.
  • Dulé Hill.

How do I become an Upstander instead of a bystander?


  1. Don’t laugh.
  2. Don’t encourage the bully in any way.
  3. Don’t participate.
  4. Stay at a safe distance and help the target get away.
  5. Don’t become an “audience” for the bully.
  6. Reach out in friendship.
  7. Help the victim in any way you can.
  8. Support the victim in private.

What is David’s law in Texas?

Among other things, David’s Law requires each public-school district to include cyberbullying in their district policies and to adopt and implement districtwide policies and procedures that will: prohibit bullying of a student. prohibit retaliation against anyone who provides information about a bullying incident.

Who are the bystanders in a bullying case?

Someone who witnesses bullying, either in person or online, is a bystander. Friends, students, peers, teachers, school staff, parents, coaches, and other youth-serving adults can be bystanders. With cyberbullying, even strangers can be bystanders. Youth involved in bullying play many different roles.

What does it mean to be an upstander in bullying?

An upstander is someone who sees what happens and intervenes, interrupts, or speaks up to stop the bullying. Youth who are bullied often feel even more alone because there are witnesses who do nothing.

How to prevent bullying in early childhood settings?

Preventing bullying in early childhood settings involves more than focusing only on the child who is doing the bullying. The emergence of bullying is based on the formation of specific relationships among children who bully, children who are bullied, and children who observe the bullying—the bully, the victim, and the bystander.

Why are some people afraid to say something about bullying?

Fear is another reason why bystanders fail to do anything when they witness bullying. 4  Some bystanders are afraid to say anything because they fear embarrassment or ridicule. They also may worry that they will say or do the wrong thing and make the bullying worse.