What are the settings in the crucible?

What are the settings in the crucible?


What is the setting of the play The Crucible quizlet?

Salem, Massachusetts, 1692. In the Puritan town of Salem, Massachusetts in 1692, the town minister, Reverend Parris, discovers his daughter Betty, niece Abigail, and other girls dancing in the forest with his slave Tituba.

What is the setting in the crucible Act 1?

Summary. The play is set in Salem, Massachusetts, 1692; the government is a theocracy—rule by God through religious officials. Hard work and church consume the majority of a Salem resident’s time.

What is the setting of the crucible Act 4?

The Salem jail is the setting of The Crucible in Act IV. John’s refusal to sign the confession provides the moment of climax in The Crucible, Act IV. In The Crucible, Act IV, the theme that one’s honor cannot be signed away is demonstrated by John’s destruction of the confession.

Which best describes the setting of Act 4?

What is the setting of the beginning of Act IV? They are in the Salem jail, the fall after the trials. So many are in jail that animals are wandering around the village.

What is the theme of Act 4 in the crucible?

Theme #4: Power and Authority. The desire to preserve and gain power pervades The Crucible as the witch trials lead to dramatic changes in which characters hold the greatest control over the course of events.

Where does the action of Act 111 take place?

Where does the action of Act III take place? The courtroom in Salem.

What is the setting of Act 3?

What is the setting of Act Three? The courthouse. What is the significance of the behind the scenes discussion between Hathorne, Danforth, Martha Corey, and Giles Corey? The judges don’t want to look at the evidence.

What changes do we see in Reverend Parris Act 4?

The Reverend Parris, a selfish, hypocritical and petty man, once a prominent and wealthy minister of the community, is by Act IV reduced to a financially broken man, disillusioned and humbled.

What change do we see in Reverend Parris?

Parris becomes more insecure and paranoid as the play wares on. He has been instrumental in these witch trials by spreading gossip and accusing innocent people for his own benefit. Parris had many detractors from the beginning. His selfishness and favoritism rubbed men like Proctor the wrong way.