What are the two groups of minerals quizlet?

What are the two groups of minerals quizlet?

Terms in this set (8)

  • Silicates. Most common mineral group.
  • Carbonates. Second most common group.
  • Oxides. Mineral group that contains oxygen and one or more other elements (usually metals).
  • Sulfates and Sulfides. Mineral group that contains the element sulfur.
  • Halides.
  • Native elements.
  • Feldspar.
  • Quartz.

How many major mineral groups are there?

7 major mineral groups

What are the 7 major mineral groups?

Silicates, oxides, sulfates, sulfides, carbonates, native elements, and halides are all major mineral groups.

What are the 10 most common minerals?

“The Big Ten” minerals are: olivine, augite, hornblende, biotite, calcium-rich plagioclase (anorthite), sodium-rich plagioclase (albite), potassium-rich feldspar (commonly orthoclase), muscovite, quartz, and calcite.

What is the most popular mineral?

The most common mineral in absolute is Bridgmanite, known also as Silicate-Perovskite. It´s composed of magnesium, iron and silicon dioxide and it’s estimated to make up 38% of earth’s volume.

What is the strongest mineral?


What are the top 5 hardest minerals?

Diamond is always at the top of the scale, being the hardest mineral. There are ten minerals in Mohs scale, talc, gypsum, calcite, fluorite, apatite, feldspar, quartz, topaz, corundum, and for last and hardest, diamond.

Which element is hardest?

The hardest pure element is carbon in the form of a diamond. Diamond is not the hardest substance known to man. Some ceramics are harder, but they consist of multiple elements.

What stone is harder than diamond?

Moissanite, a naturally occurring silicon-carbide, is almost as hard as diamond. It is a rare mineral, discovered by the French chemist Henri Moissan in 1893 while examining rock samples from a meteor crater located in Canyon Diablo, Arizona. Hexagonal boron-nitride is 18% harder than diamond.

Which is the softest mineral?


Which is the hardest part in the human body?

Tooth enamel

Which is the strongest part of human body?

The heart has the ability to beat over 3 billion times in a person’s life. The strongest muscle based on its weight is the masseter. With all muscles of the jaw working together it can close the teeth with a force as great as 55 pounds (25 kilograms) on the incisors or 200 pounds (90.7 kilograms) on the molars.

Which is the strongest tissue in human body?


What is the largest organ in the body?

The skin

What’s the smallest organ in your body?

pineal gland

What is enamel in your body?

Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and contains the highest percentage of minerals (at 96%), with water and organic material composing the rest. The primary mineral is hydroxyapatite, which is a crystalline calcium phosphate.

What is the smallest tissue in human body?

⚫the small tissue in human body. ➡️ epithelial tissue is the small tissue in human body. it consists of tightly packed sheets of cells that cover surface including the outside of the body and line body cavities.

What is the strongest tissue type?

Collagen: Collagen fibers are the strongest and most abundant of all the connective tissue fibers.

What are 3 types of connective tissue?

There are three main groups of connective tissues: loose connective tissue, dense connective tissue, and specialized connective tissue.

What are 3 general characteristics of connective tissue?

What are characteristics of connective tissues? Share three basic components: (1) specialized cells, (2) extracellular protein fibers and (3) a fluid known as ground substance.

What are the 7 types of connective tissue?

7 Types of Connective Tissue

  • Cartilage. Cartilage is a type of supporting connective tissue.
  • Bone. Bone is another type of supporting connective tissue.
  • Adipose. Adipose is another type of supporting connective tissue that provides cushions and stores excess energy and fat.
  • Blood.
  • Hemapoetic/Lymphatic.
  • Elastic.
  • Fibrous.

What are 2 examples of connective tissue?

The connective tissues include several types of fibrous tissue that vary only in their density and cellularity, as well as the more specialized and recognizable variants—bone, ligaments, tendons, cartilage, and adipose (fat) tissue.

What are the major connective tissue types?

The major types of connective tissue are connective tissue proper, supportive tissue, and fluid tissue. Loose connective tissue proper includes adipose tissue, areolar tissue, and reticular tissue.

What are the 5 main types of connective tissue?

Connective tissue proper includes: loose connective tissue (also called areolar) and dense (irregular) connective tissue. Specialized connective tissue types include: dense regular connective tissue, cartilage, bone, adipose tissue, blood, and hematopoietic tissue.

What are the 4 major types of connective tissue?

Connective tissues are classified into four classes: BLOOD, BONE, CARTILAGE, CONNECTIVE TISSUE PROPER.