What are the two meanings of excuse?

What are the two meanings of excuse?

1 : the act of excusing. 2a : something offered as justification or as grounds for being excused. b excuses plural : an expression of regret for failure to do something. c : a note of explanation of an absence.

What is excused mean?

to regard or judge with forgiveness or indulgence; pardon or forgive; overlook (a fault, error, etc.): Excuse his bad manners. to offer an apology for; seek to remove the blame of: He excused his absence by saying that he was ill.

What is another word for excuse?

Some common synonyms of excuse are alibi, apologia, apology, plea, and pretext. While all these words mean “matter offered in explanation or defense,” excuse implies an intent to avoid or remove blame or censure.

What does giving excuses mean?

An excuse is an explanation for something that went wrong. When we give an excuse, we’re trying to get someone to cut us some slack. It’s generally a reason for behavior: A note from your parents saying you have a doctor’s appointment can excuse you from school for the day.

Why are excuses bad?

An excuse is used to avoid responsibility. When we shift the blame, we avoid responsibility for a failure, and we also avoid the responsibility for learning from that failure. Excuses stunt our growth. Failure becomes easier to accept in ourselves, and we never grow beyond our current state.

Can excuses be true?

excuses may be true, false, or a bit of both – they just effect how people feel about situations. The reason something happens is the technical explanation for how and why. A reason may or may not also be an excuse. If the reason is justifiable, then it excuses.

What is a bad excuse?

not a good explanation /reason for something. Usually: You left your homework at home. You tell your teacher it is because you were going to be late. You teachers says – That’s a bad excuse. She is not accepting the reason as a good reason to not have your work.

Are excuses good?

An excuse is acceptable if the original intentions were good but something got in the way of acting on them. Dr. Sliwa calls this the Good Intention Account, and it shows why people are more inclined to accept certain excuses over others. Another important element to the excuse is why we offer one.

Is making excuses lying?

“An excuse is worse and more terrible than a lie.” There is guilt, however fleeting; a lie by its nature pricks our conscience. We know we’ve done something wrong, even though for whatever reason in that moment we didn’t have the courage or character to do the right thing.

How do you make an excuse without lying?

Luckily, we have prepared some of the best excuses to make your “me time” as discreet as possible.

  1. Tell them that you’re feeling under the weather.
  2. Say that you’re busy and you have a lot to do.
  3. The classic “family emergency” excuse.
  4. Emphasize how terrible the traffic will be.
  5. Tell them that someone is coming over.

What is the difference between an excuse and a lie?

The excuse provided can be genuine or fake. A fake excuse by default is a lie. A lie is when a person deliberately strays away from hard facts entirely or uses parts of it mixing it with made up figments of imagination.

Why do people lie and make excuses?

The reasons that lie behind making excuses People make excuses because it’s the easiest way to get out of a compromising situation. It’s always better to blame a car breakdown or sudden illness when they forget an important appointment.