What are words that have 7 letters?

What are words that have 7 letters?

7 Letter Words

Word Length Consonants
Leonine 7 3
Harmony 7 5
Problem 7 5
Awesome 7 3

How do you start a crossword puzzle?

How to Get Started Solving The New York Times Crossword Puzzle

  1. Start With the Monday Puzzles. tl;dr: Mondays are the easiest and they get harder as the week goes on.
  2. Practice Makes, If Not Perfect, a Much Better Solver. tl;dr: Solve consistently.
  3. Find Your ‘Gimmes’
  4. Photo.
  5. Photo.
  6. Photo.
  7. Take a Break if You Get Stuck.
  8. Solve With a Friend.

What are words that start with C?

  • cabalas.
  • cabanas.
  • cabaret.
  • cabbage.
  • cabbagy.
  • cabbala.
  • cabbies.
  • cabbing.

What are some good C words?

List of Positive Words That Start With C

Clever Cupid Capacious
Creative Creativity Celestial
Celebrate Capable Capability
Communicity Comfort Comfortable
Care Caress Caring

What are 5 letter words starting with C?

5-letter words starting with C

Caaba caaed
cacao cacas
cache cacky
cacti CADAM
Caddo caddy

What is a 4 letter word starting with C?

4 letter words that start with C

  • cabs.
  • cack.
  • cade.
  • cadi.
  • cads.
  • cafe.
  • cage.
  • cagy.

What are four letter words that start with P?

4-letter words starting with P

paal paan
page pahs
paid paik
pail pain
pair pais

How many words start with P in English?

66162 words

What is a good word that starts with P?

List of Positive Words That Start With P

Passion Passionate Playful
Playfulness Portray Patient
Patience Perfect Perfection
Peace Peacefulness Power
Powerful Please Pleasant

What is a 6 letter word?

6-letter words

  • abroad.
  • accept.
  • access.
  • across.
  • acting.
  • action.
  • active.
  • actual.

What is a 5 letter word?

5-letter words

  • about.
  • above.
  • abuse.
  • actor.
  • acute.
  • admit.
  • adopt.
  • adult.

How many 5 letter words are in the English language?

12478 five

How many 10 letter words are there in English?

35529 ten

What 5 letter word becomes shorter if you add two letters to it?

The answer to this riddle is actually quite simple, you literally just need to add a single letter. To answer this riddle, we need to place the letters “t” and “r” to the word “shore”. After we do that, the word becomes “shorter”. Another possible answer is the word “Sorte”.

What words begins and ends with an E?

Hey Riddle Lovers, The answer is EYE. It starts with E and ends with E and has only one alphabet Y. nope its ENVELOPE, starts and ends with E and has a letter in it!

What are words that have 7 letters?

What are words that have 7 letters?

7-letter words

  • ability.
  • absence.
  • academy.
  • account.
  • accused.
  • achieve.
  • acquire.
  • address.

What is the best 7 letter word?

Top 7-letter Word Scores

  • MEZQUIT (27)
  • BEZIQUE (27)
  • CAZIQUE (27)
  • JUKEBOX (27)
  • ZOMBIFY (26)
  • ZINKIFY (26)
  • KOLHOZY (26)
  • SOVKHOZ (26)

What is the best word start with a?

Good Positive Words That Start With Alphabet A

  • Able.
  • Affable.
  • Appreciate.
  • Abundant.
  • Affirm.
  • Approve.
  • Accelerate.
  • Affluent.

What are actions that start with A?

English Verbs Starting with A

Verb Simple Past Past Participle
to abstain abstained abstained
to abstract abstracted abstracted
to abuse abused abused
to accelerate accelerated accelerated

Are there any words that start with the letter a?

7 letter words starting with A. aarrghh 13. abalone 12. abandon 13. abasers 10. abashed 13. abashes 12. abasias 10. abasing 13.

Is there a way to find 7 letter words?

Simply enter your letters, hit the search button, and you’ll be unscrambling and finding 7 letter words with the best of them. Better still, the advanced search features can, for example, help you find 7 letter words starting with S. Go right ahead and SQUEEZE out more points and it’ll be smooth SAILING from here on out.

Is there a way to unscramble 7 letter words?

It’s the fastest and easiest way to unscramble 7 letter words. Maybe you WHIZZED right by it. Once you use it, though, you’ll see how it DAZZLES with speed and accuracy. Simply enter your letters, hit the search button, and you’ll be unscrambling and finding 7 letter words with the best of them.