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What belief does Sancho Express to Sterne in this excerpt Sterne needs to stop slavery?

What belief does Sancho Express to Sterne in this excerpt Sterne needs to stop slavery?

Sancho encouraged Sterne to use his writings to fight the evil of slavery. So, the correct answer is option B. Sancho’s belief expressed to Sterne in this letter is to motivate him to use hi pen as a sword to fight against slavery and set many enslaved free.

What is Sancho’s purpose for writing to convince Sterne that Africans can be religious and spiritual?

Based on the given excerpt related to this question, the purpose of Sancho’s writing is to convince Sterne to write more texts against slavery. This is based on the excerpt from Letters of the Late Ignatius Sancho, an African who wants to tell the public about the pain and mistreatment in slavery.

What belief does Cugoano explicitly state in this passage?

Terms in this set (8) What belief does Cugoano explicitly state in this passage? People who oppose slavery deserve praise.

What is the difference between manumission and emancipation of the enslaved?

Emancipation is the process of freeing slaves through government action. Manumission takes place when masters free their slaves voluntarily. When a government ends slavery completely, the process is known as abolition.

How were serfs different from enslaved persons?

Serfs worked for their lord’s protection, and enslaved persons had no protection. Serfs were in Europe, and enslaved persons were only in America. Serfs worked for their lord’s protection, and enslaved persons had no protection. Over time, how did the nature of slavery change in America?

What does this image show about the enslaved person’s transatlantic experience?

Answer: The image shows that enslaved people are treated as commodities, placed on the vessel in order to save space.

What happens to the enslaved person who jumps overboard on June 27?

What happens to the enslaved person who jumps overboard on June 27? He drowns. He is rescued but dies anyway.

Which best describes the traveling conditions of slaves coming from Africa to the Americas?

The slaves were packed below the decks of the ship. The men were usually shackled together in pairs using leg irons, or shackles. The men were considered dangerous, as they were mostly young and strong and likely to turn on their captors if the opportunity arose.

What was the middle passage quizlet?

The Middle Passage was a series of routes which slave ships used to transport slaves from West Africa to the Americas. When was the Middle Passage in use? The Middle Passage was in use from 1500 to 1850. 11 million slaves were transported via the Middle Passage between 1500 and 1850.

What was known as the Middle Passage?

The Atlantic passage (or Middle Passage) was notorious for its brutality and for the overcrowded, unsanitary conditions on slave ships, in which hundreds of Africans were packed tightly into tiers below decks for a voyage of about 5,000 miles (8,000 km).

What was the second Middle Passage quizlet?

The massive trade of slaves from the upper South (Virginia and the Chesapeake) to the lower South (the Gulf states) that took place between 1820 and 1860. You just studied 13 terms!