What best describes the effect of the sensory imagery used in this excerpt the scarlet ibis?

What best describes the effect of the sensory imagery used in this excerpt the scarlet ibis?

What best describes the effect of the sensory imagery used in this excerpt? It allows the reader to correctly predict that Doodle will never be able to walk. It helps the reader to better visualize the life that might lie ahead for Doodle.

What best describes the effect of the imagery used in the excerpt?

What best describes the effect of the imagery used in this excerpt? It helps the setting come alive. The lightning was near now, and from fear he walked so close behind me he kept stepping on my heels. The faster I walked, the faster he walked, so I began to run.

What best describes the effect of the imagery used in this excerpt Brainly?

It shows the cruelty of the narrator. It helps the setting come alive. It reveals the fact that Doodle is tired.

What is sensory imagery?

Sensory imagery is a literary device writers employ to engage a reader’s mind on multiple levels. Sensory imagery explores the five human senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell.

What is sensory imagery examples?

Common Examples of Imagery Taste: The familiar tang of his grandmother’s cranberry sauce reminded him of his youth. Sound: The concert was so loud that her ears rang for days afterward. Sight: The sunset was the most gorgeous they’d ever seen; the clouds were edged with pink and gold.

Why is sensory imagery used?

Creating sensory images is a strategy readers use to think more deeply about a text. It is when a reader combines their schema and the information in the text to create an image in their mind. When readers make sensory images as they read, it helps them understand and enjoy the story more.

In what situations would you use imagery?

When to Use Imagery Imagery should be used any time a description is considered necessary. Imagery is often found in narratives, stories, poems, plays, speeches, songs, movies, television shows, and other creative compositions. It uses a combination of literal and poetic figurative language.

What is the purpose of imagery?

Imagery can make something abstract, like an emotion or theory, seem more concrete and tangible to the reader. By using imagery, writers can evoke the feeling they want to talk about in their readers…and by making their readers feel, writers can also help readers connect to the messages in their work.

What is one purpose of imagery in this poem?

The purpose of imagery in poetry and other writing is to create pictures in the mind of the reader, pictures that evoke certain feelings which the writer desires the reader to feel.

What is one purpose of personification in this poem?

Personification is a literary device that uses the non-literal use of language to convey concepts in a relatable way. Writers use personification to give human characteristics, such as emotions and behaviors, to non-human things, animals, and ideas.

What is the effect of using personification?

Personification connects readers with the object that is personified. Personification can make descriptions of non-human entities more vivid, or can help readers understand, sympathize with, or react emotionally to non-human characters.

Why is metaphor important in poetry?

Metaphor can be described as figure of speech in which a thing is referred to as being something that it resembles. In this way, metaphors are used in poetry to explain and elucidate emotions, feelings, relationships other elements that could not to described in ordinary language.

What is the importance of simile and metaphor?

Metaphors and similes are used extensively in poetry. They are also a basic tool used in most forms of fiction writing. By comparing one thing to another, the writer can evoke a mood or memory, help the reader to make connections, establish a theme, and add interest and color to the writing.

What best describes the effect of the sensory imagery used?

what best describes the effect of the sensory imagery used in this excerpt? it allows the reader to correctly predict that doodle will never be able to walk. it helps the reader to better visualize the life that might lie ahead for doodle.

What are the sensory images used in the selection?

what are the sensory images used in the selection (visual,auditory,olfactory,gustatory,tactile,motion)complete answer​

  • Answer:
  • Visual imagery (sight)
  • Auditory imagery (hearing)
  • Olfactory imagery (smell)
  • Gustatory imagery (taste)
  • Tactile imagery (touch)
  • Explanation:

Does smell affect attraction?

Odour is sensory stimulation of the olfactory membrane of the nose by a group of molecules. The olfactory membrane plays a role in smelling and subconsciously assessing another human’s pheromones. It also affects the sexual attraction of insects and mammals.

Can people smell my period?

It’s made of blood and tissue that sheds from your uterus, and when mixed with the naturally occurring bacteria in your body, may smell a little less than fresh. Not to worry, though. It’s highly unlikely that anyone else can smell it.

What does scent do to the brain?

Smells are handled by the olfactory bulb, the structure in the front of the brain that sends information to the other areas of the body’s central command for further processing. Odors take a direct route to the limbic system, including the amygdala and the hippocampus, the regions related to emotion and memory.

How can I naturally keep my body smelling good?

To help you use all of these key factors and more, here are 21 healthy tips to keep your body smelling nice all day long.

  1. Drink Enough Water.
  2. Change Your Diet.
  3. Choose the Right Perfume Type.
  4. Fragrance Application.
  5. Use Roll-On Perfume or Cologne.
  6. Spray Your Hairbrush.
  7. Pay Attention to Your Clothes.
  8. Use Lotions and Oils Too.

What smell makes happy?

These smells have been scientifically proven to make you feel carefree and happy: Lavender: This earthy and fragrant aroma is regularly used in aromatherapy, and there’s no surprise why: Studies have found that lavender can reduce anxiety and depression, and leave you feeling more relaxed, according to WebMD.

What scent is best for anxiety?

Keep reading to learn more about the essential oils you can use to relieve your symptoms of anxiety.

  1. Valerian. Share on Pinterest.
  2. Jatamansi. Jatamansi is in the same plant family as valerian.
  3. Lavender. Lavender is one of the most popular aromatherapy oils.
  4. Jasmine.
  5. Holy basil.
  6. Sweet basil.
  7. Bergamot.
  8. Chamomile.

What is a relaxing scent?

1 A lavender sachet next to your bed or the smell of a scented candle can do wonders for relieving stress and help you unwind from your day. Rosemary, lavender and the other scents listed below are the most popular aromatherapy scents used for stress relief.

What is the nicest smell?

Best Smells In the World

  • Fresh Air. Fresh air sums up all the smells I like: rain, earth, flowers, pines trees (Piney wood east texan here), meadows full of Indian paintbrush and black-eyed Susans, blue sky, among other things.
  • Vanilla.
  • Coffee.
  • Barbecue.
  • Fresh Petrol.
  • Rain.
  • Freshly Cut Grass.
  • Bacon.

What scent is most attractive to guys?

11 Most Attractive Scents to Men That Will Bring Them to Their Knees …

  1. 1 Vanilla. Vanilla is one of the most attractive scents to men, and to women actually.
  2. 2 Sandalwood. Another one of my favorite scents in both men’s and women’s fragrances is sandalwood.
  3. 3 Lavender.
  4. 4 Musk.
  5. 5 Violets.
  6. 6 Orchids.
  7. 7 Jasmine.
  8. 8 Orange.

What smells really bad?

Sufferers report smelling hydrogen sulfide (rotten eggs), bad perfume, garbage, a gas leak, wet dog, pungent body odor or spoiled fish or feces. The brain may trigger such sickening odors instead of agreeable ones because humans learned very early to avoid noxious smells for survival.