What best describes the summary of the central idea?

What best describes the summary of the central idea?

What best describes this summary of the central idea? It is a strong summary because it is objective and accurately expresses the paragraph’s central idea. Read the paragraph from The Hot Zone and the summary that follows it.

What is the central idea of the hot zone?

The power of nature is an ever-present theme throughout The Hot Zone. Ebola represents this power at its purest and most destructive—no matter how much human technology evolves, and no matter how much humans attempt to protect themselves, Ebola always finds a path for infection.

What best describes the sentence taken from a summary of this book?

The sentence that best describes from a summary of this book is that “It is objective because it is based on facts and does not present feelings or opinions.” This is the best form of of analysis since it does not include the personal judgement of a person rather, by what he or she sees.

Which changes should be made to improve this summary of the paragraph central idea the hot zone?

Answer: The changes that should be made to improve this summary of the paragraph’s central idea are: * Remove the phrase “It is petrifying” because it expresses a personal feeling. * Add the phrase “and spread throughout the human species” to the end of the statement to more fully express the central idea.

What is the author’s main purpose for including this paragraph?

What is the author’s main purpose for including this paragraph? To entertain readers by illustrating how dramatic the situation is.

Which best states the central idea of this excerpt There she met Lieutenant?

The central idea of this excerpt is that space suits are complex garments that consist of different parts, such as inner gloves and hearing protectors, in order to protect the individual from external hazards.

What is the purpose of the final sentence?

The purpose of a concluding sentence is to summarize the argument you just made in your preceding paragraph.

What is the topic of the passage What is the central idea of the passage which detail supports the central idea?

The central idea of the passage is to present a suit that protects against the attack of viruses. The detail that supports the central idea is the presentation of the elements that the costume has, such as filters, that allow it to promote this protection.

What is the central idea of this paragraph another name for the plague?

What is the central idea of this paragraph? Another name for the plague in the 1500s was “the pestilence.” In 1565 almost 20 percent of the population died of the plague. The plague was the most deadly disease of the Elizabethan era.

What is the central idea of this passage Archaeology?

Archaeology is important for preserving cultural customs of the past, including the art of storytelling. Characters in the old stories were neither good nor bad, and people enjoyed the simplicity of the tales.

Which details develop the central idea that the Grimms?

Some of the main details which develop the idea that the Grimm Brothers collected stories to preserve culture are: Their desire to recorded stories because few people were interested in collecting and preserving them. Their intention to demonstrate how language and customs can create a bond between people.

What is the central idea of this excerpt how the Grimm brothers saved the fairy tale?

Answer: The main idea of this excerpt is the fact that the Grimm Brothers had a strong belief (that the most natural and pure forms of culture were linguistic and based in history) and in following it, they saved the fairy tale.

How the Grimm brothers saved the fairy tale?

The Grimms thought the stories and their morals emanated naturally from the German people in an oral tradition, and they wanted to preserve them before the tales were lost forever. In the process of publishing seven different editions over forty years, the Grimms made vast changes in the contents and style.

Why did Grimm brothers collect folktales?

There’s a certain irony to “Grimm’s Fairy Tales.” Two-hundred years ago today, Jacob Grimm and his younger brother Wilhelm published a collection of folk tales. The Brothers Grimm worried that industrialization would erase these classics from memory. So they set out to protect these ancient tales.

Did the Brothers Grimm write their stories?

Despite the fact that Jacob and Wilhelm are often associated with Snow White and Rapunzel, the brothers didn’t actually write any of those stories. In fact, the stories existed long before the two men were born in Germany in the mid 1780s.

Why are Grimm Brothers important?

Brothers Grimm, German Brüder Grimm, German folklorists and linguists best known for their Kinder- und Hausmärchen (1812–22; also called Grimm’s Fairy Tales), which led to the birth of the modern study of folklore. They were among the most important German scholars of their time.

Where did the word grim come from?

The word grim comes from the Proto-Indo-European root ‘ghrem-‘ meaning ‘angry’. Over time, the word was adapted into the Proto-Germanic ‘grimmaz’ meaning ‘fierce, savage, painful’. Grim was first recorded in English sometime in the late 12th century.

Are there any living descendants of the Brothers Grimm?

So, yes, there are living descendants.

What are the most popular Grimm fairy tales?

10 best Grimm fairy tales

  • Hansel and Gretel. This story was recorded by Dortchen Wild, a storyteller who married Wilhelm Grimm.
  • Rumpelstiltskin.
  • The Pied Piper of Hamelin.
  • Death’s Messenger.
  • The King of the Golden Mountain.
  • The Frog Prince.
  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
  • The Town Musicians of Bremen.

What is a Grimm in the show Grimm?

A Grimm (Ger. “wrath”) is a special person who possesses incredible powers, such as being able to see the true form of Wesen even when the Wesen don’t want them to.

How many Grimm brothers fairy tales are there?

209 tales

What is the oldest known fairy tale?

Analysis showed Beauty And The Beast and Rumpelstiltskin to be about 4,000 years old. And a folk tale called The Smith And The Devil, about a blacksmith selling his soul in a pact with the Devil in order to gain supernatural abilities, was estimated to go back 6,000 years to the Bronze Age.

Is The Little Mermaid a Grimm fairytale?

“The Little Mermaid” (Danish: Den lille havfrue) is a Danish literary fairy tale written by the Danish author Hans Christian Andersen. The story follows the journey of a young mermaid who is willing to give up her life in the sea as a mermaid to gain a human soul.

Is Peter Pan a Grimm fairytale?

To preface: No, Peter Pan is not officially a fairy tale. But the story has become popular enough and many people do consider it to be a fairy tale, especially with the addition of its characters to the show Once Upon a Time.

Why did Peter Pan kill himself?

Other possible contributing factors in his suicide were his alcoholism and ill health (he was suffering from emphysema), as well as the knowledge that his wife and all three of their sons had inherited the fatal Huntington’s disease. Newspaper reports of his death referred to him in their headlines as “Peter Pan”.

Which best states the central idea of this excerpt There she met?

What is the authors purpose for including this paragraph at six thirty?

This was to hold dead monkeys and tubes of blood. What is the author’s purpose for including this paragraph? a: to help the reader visualize the thorough precautions that were in place.

What is an end of paragraph signal?

A concluding sentence is used to signal that your paragraph is coming to an end. Writing a concluding sentence can be more difficult than you realize. Failing to realize that it is used to close the final thoughts on a subject is a common mistake many writers make.

What is a final thought in an essay?

In addition to the concluding statement, the writer may wish to include a “final thought.” The final thought is the last sentence of the stand-alone paragraph. If the writer has not had an opportunity to interject an opinion about the topic, the final thought is the last opportunity to do so.

How do you write a final essay?

How to conclude an essay:

  1. Restate the thesis by making the same point with other words (paraphrase).
  2. Review your supporting ideas.
  3. For that, summarize all arguments by paraphrasing how you proved the thesis.
  4. Connect back to the essay hook and relate your closing statement to the opening one.

How do you write a final thought in an essay?

Conclusion outline

  1. Topic sentence. Fresh rephrasing of thesis statement.
  2. Supporting sentences. Summarize or wrap up the main points in the body of the essay. Explain how ideas fit together.
  3. Closing sentence. Final words. Connects back to the introduction. Provides a sense of closure.

What is the difference between observation and conclusion?

“Observation” is the process of watching or monitoring an event or somebody while “conclusion” refers to the final part of the experiment in which a verdict or resolution is made.

What is a conclusion based on evidence or reasoning?

An inference is an idea or conclusion that’s drawn from evidence and reasoning. An inference is an educated guess. We learn about some things by experiencing them first-hand, but we gain other knowledge by inference — the process of inferring things based on what is already known. You can also make faulty inferences.

What is a conclusion based on reasoning?

inference: A conclusion drawn from true or assumed-true facts. syllogism: A type of deductive reasoning, often in the form “All A are B; C is A; therefore, C is B.” reason: The capacity for consciously making sense of the world based on logic and evidence.

What is a conclusion in logic?

Conclusion: Logical result of the relationship between the premises. Conclusions serve as the thesis of the argument. Argument: The assertion of a conclusion based on logical premises. Induction: A process through which the premises provide some basis for the conclusion.

What is a conclusion based on inductive reasoning?

In an inductive argument the conclusion is, at best, probable. The conclusion is not always true when the premises are true. The probability of the conclusion depends on the strength of the inference from the premises.

What is the problem with induction?

The problem of induction is to find a way to avoid this conclusion, despite Hume’s argument. Thus, it is the imagination which is taken to be responsible for underpinning the inductive inference, rather than reason.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of inductive reasoning?

The basic strength of inductive reasoning is its use in predicting what might happen in the future or in establishing the possibility of what you will encounter. The main weakness of inductive reasoning is that it is incomplete, and you may reach false conclusions even with accurate observations.