What book does Assef give Amir for his birthday?

What book does Assef give Amir for his birthday?

biography book of Hitler

What is the significance behind Assef’s birthday present for Amir?

What is the significance of Assef’s birthday present to Amir? This is an allusion to Assef’s admiration of his final solution and wish to recreate it with the Hazaras in Afghanistan. Why does Rahim Khan tell Amir the story about his almost marriage to Homaira, the Hazara servant in his home?

What chapter is Amir’s birthday?

chapter 9

What does Assef try to do to Amir?

Assef tells the guards that if Amir exits the room alive, he has earned the right to leave. Then Assef puts on a pair of brass knuckles. Amir remembers little after that. There are flashes of Assef hitting him and swallowing teeth and blood.

Why does Sohrab try to kill himself?

He did not want to go to an orphanage. He was a sociopath. He believed God wanted him to.

What does Amir say about cliches?

What does Amir say about clichés? Why does Amir use the cliché about “an elephant in the room” to describe his meeting with Rahim Khan? Amir says that clichés exist because they are true. Both men procrastinate about talking about Hassan and Afghanistan.

When Farid said you’ve always been a tourist here you just didn’t know it what did he mean?

What does he mean when he says ” You’ve always been a tourist here, you just didn’t know it” (232) ? Farid is referring to that fact that when Amir did live in Afghanistan, he lived a sheltered life because his father was rich and he left before the war.

Why is Amir so angry at Baba?

Rahim Khan tells Amir that Baba was Hassan’s father. Amir is shocked and taken aback by the news. His level of anger is brought on by this sudden news. Amir’s anger is also driven by the fact that his life to that had point had been built on a deception.

How is America different for Baba and Amir?

Amir claims to use America to “bury my memories,” whereas, for Baba, it is a place “to mourn his.” Amir embraces America and all it has to offer as a means to escape the ghost of Hassan that was haunting his life in Afghanistan. While Baba is working, Amir is attending high school, and then graduates.

Why was Amir glad for darkness?

The fact that Amir was “glad for the darkness” shows how much he has been struggling to live with what he had done. It is almost as if he feels like it may as well have been him that raped Hassan as he never attempted anything to stop it.

Why does Baba challenge the Russian officer who is obviously high on drugs?

Why does Baba challenge the Russian officer who is obviously high on drugs? Baba shows his courage and strength by preventing the Russian soldier from raping the woman in the truck.

How does Amir feel while he is with his family in Jalalabad?

But Amir is unable to fully enjoy it. He is so consumed by a different guilt—guilt over his inaction during Hassan’s rape—that he is constantly miserable. During the trip to Jalalabad, he tries to rid himself of this weight. Amir does not know how to deal with his feelings of guilt and unhappiness after Hassan’s rape.

What happened with Ali and Hassan?

From Rahim Khan, Amir learns that Hassan and Ali are both dead. Ali was killed by a land mine. Hassan and his wife were killed after Hassan refused to allow the Taliban to confiscate Baba and Amir’s house in Kabul. Rahim Khan further reveals that Ali was sterile and was not Hassan’s biological father.

Is Kite Runner a true story?

No, The Kite Runner is not a true story. However, even though the characters in the story are fictional, many of the larger events depicted in the…

Why is The Kite Runner a banned book?

The American Library Association placed it #6 in its 2012 list of most frequently challenged books, it’s commonly flagged for its religious viewpoint, sexual references and use of offensive language.