What changes had occurred in Salem since its founding?

What changes had occurred in Salem since its founding?

Since the founding of Salem, changes that have been made are they have an “unseated the royal government” and they “substituted a junta which was at this moment in power”. What did the “witch hunt” allow people in Salem to accomplish?

Why is this background knowledge about Salem and the witch hunt important to your understanding of the play?

Whys is the background knowledge of witch hunts and Salem important for your understanding of the story? We need to know the background because we now know the plot and setting of the story. Lastly, we can take the information from the background and use it to help us understand the play fully.

What was Mr Putnam’s biggest issue with the people of Salem?

-A wealthy, influential citizen of Salem, Putnam holds a grudge against Francis Nurse for preventing Putnam’s brother-in-law from being elected to the office of minister. He uses the witch trials to increase his own wealth by accusing people of witchcraft and then buying up their land.

Why did Hale returned to Salem in Act 4?

Short Answer. Hale has returned to Salem in Act 4 because he recognizes himself as the original instigator of the ultimately unfounded witch hysteria, and he doesn’t want to end up with the blood of innocent people on his hands (or at least innocent people who are widely respected like Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor).

Is Mary Warren a good person?

Mary is the Proctors’ servant after Abigail was let go. She’s a weak person, prone to hysterics and drawn to drama. She moves back and forth between the pack of lying girls and the Proctors, drawn by the girls but knowing the Proctors are innocent.

Why does Mary Warren change?

One of the most evident changes in Mary is that she is more assertive. In Act I, when Proctor enters and threatens to beat her, she is much more timid. In Act II, she presents herself as much stronger and assertive because of her role in the trials. Simply put, Mary has power and she is not afraid to show it.