What comfort does the chorus offer Antigone In Scene 4?

What comfort does the chorus offer Antigone In Scene 4?

What comfort does the chorus offer Antigone In Scene 4? The biggest comfort that the Chorus gives her is praising her bravery and fortitude in the face of death.

What does the chorus reveal about Antigone as the play begins?

What does the Chorus reveal about Antigone as the play begins? She will become beautiful. She hates Haemon. She is going to die.

What comment does the chorus makes about life and the power of the gods?

What comment does the chorus make about life and about the power of the gods? Nothing can stop the curse of the gods; the family of Oedipus seems to have this curse. People who live “greatly” seem to suffer “greatly.”

What is the moral lesson in Orpheus?

The moral of Orpheus and Eurydice is to be patient and keep one’s faith.

What can we learn from Orpheus and Eurydice?

As the other answers have stated, the moral of this story is the importance of trust. Orpheus is tested in this story. He has every reason not to trust because he lost his wife, Eurydice, to a snake bite on their wedding night. That would shake anyone’s faith in love, in fate, or in the gods.

What is the main theme of Orpheus and Eurydice?

Music is powerful and in the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice his music is the reason for passing through the gates of Hades, whereas Porphyro wakes up Madeline by singing to her. The myth is the original tragic love story and the power of music is the main theme throughout it.

Why the gods have a condition to Orpheus?

Answer Expert Verified Orpheus rivaled gods when it came to how well he made music. They wanted to teach him a lesson that he should obey them and to know his place so they gave him the chance to go and save his wife, although they knew that he would fail.

Why did Orpheus look back to see if Eurydice was following him?

Originally Answered: Why did orpheus look back to see if eurydice was following him? Because the entire thing is based only on a promise with Hades. Orpheus didn’t get to interact much with Eurydice or convince himself she was real.

Why did Hades tell Orpheus not to look back?

Now this musician storms into the realm of Hades making demands. Rather than attack him or have others slay him, Hades acknowledges that Orpheus’ gift has moved his queen subjects. He therefore grants Orpheus’ request with the caveat that he must not look back at her until he reaches the surface.

What is the conflict of the main problem of the story Orpheus?

Conflict. Conflict: Eurydice dies and Orpheus goes to the Underworld to get her. Purpose: This story’s purpose is to show you that when you do not follow the rules, there are consequences. Whether those are as big as losing a loved one or just getting a zero on a project, there are consequences for your actions.

What is the climax in the story Orpheus?

The climax occurs when Orpheus is taking Eurydice back to life from the underworld. Hades explicitly warns Orpheus to not look back while he is bringing her back, but at the last moment, he becomes unsure and does look. This causes him to lose her for a second time, this time forever.

What is the beginning of the story Orpheus?

Orpheus, singer, musician and poet, carrying a lyre on his shoulder, had recently married Eurydice, but on the day of their wedding, ‘in the very bloom of her life’, she was bitten by a viper and died of its venom. Distraught with grief, Orpheus descended into the underworld determined to restore her to mortality.

What kind of lover is Orpheus?


What happens when Orpheus tries to return to the underworld?

What happens when Orpheus tries to return to the Underworld? He is unable to persuade the ferryman to take him there. Orpheus’s journey to the Underworld is unusual.

What is the condition of Hades given to Orpheus?

Answer: His music and grief so moved Hades, king of the underworld, that Orpheus was allowed to take Eurydice with him back to the world of life and light. Hades set one condition, however: upon leaving the land of death, both Orpheus and Eurydice were forbidden to look back.