What did Ekwefi swear to herself when Chielo disappeared into the cave?

What did Ekwefi swear to herself when Chielo disappeared into the cave?

When Chielo and Ezinma enter the cave mouth, however, Ekwefi vows that if she hears Ezinma cry, she’ll rush into the cave to defend her. She sits and waits for a long time and then spins around when she hears noise behind her. It’s Okonkwo.

Who is Chielo in things fall apart?

Chielo. A priestess in Umuofia who is dedicated to the Oracle of the goddess Agbala. Chielo is a widow with two children. She is good friends with Ekwefi and is fond of Ezinma, whom she calls “my daughter.” At one point, she carries Ezinma on her back for miles in order to help purify her and appease the gods.

What does Ekwefi do when Ezinma is taken?

Ekwefi overcomes her fear of divine punishment and follows anyway. Chielo, carrying Ezinma, makes her rounds of the nine villages. When Chielo finally enters the Oracle’s cave, Ekwefi resolves that if she hears Ezinma crying she will rush in to defend her—even against a god.

Why did Chielo take Ezinma?

Chielo comes to Okonkwo’s compound to fetch Ezinma because Agbala, the Oracle, wants to see the girl. Okonkwo pleads with her to come back, saying the child is asleep. Ekwefi wants to go with her daughter but is told coming to Agbala without being summoned would bring about a curse.

Why does Ezinma cry when Chielo calls her my daughter?

Why does Ezinma cry when Chielo calls her “my daughter”? Ezinma cries because Chielo’s voice is different and everything seems strange. What is the name of the clan, and what villages are part of the clan? The name of the clan is Umuofia.

How does Ezinma die?

Ezinma falls sick from a fever. While telling stories with her mother one night, Chielo the priestess shows up and takes Ezinma on a long journey to the shrine of Agbala. We never learn what happens to her in the shrine, but she emerges alive and whole.

How did ear respond when mosquito asked if she would marry him?

When Mosquito asked Ear to marry him, she fell on the floor laughing. Ear thought Mosquito looked like a skeleton and insinuated that he would not live much longer. Mosquito was humiliated, so any time he passes by, he tells Ear that he is still alive.

Why did the snake lizard kill his mother and himself?

Because vegetables are smaller when cooked, only three baskets of vegetables remain after they are cooked, but the snake-lizard doesn’t realize this is normal, so the snake-lizard kills his mother. ‘So he killed himself too,’ Okonkwo’s daughter says, completing the oft-told tale for her mother.

Why does Ekwefi prize her daughter?

Although motherhood is regarded as the crowning achievement of a woman’s life, Ekwefi prizes Ezinma so highly, not for the status motherhood brings her but, rather, for the love and companionship that she offers.

What did Okonkwo do whenever he thought?

What did Okonkwo do whenever he thought of his father’s weakness? He thought of his own wealth and success. They thought that they were lepers.

Did Okonkwo kill Ezeudu?

Okonkwo’s accidental killing of a clansman is a crime against the earth goddess, and he knows that he and his family must leave Umuofia for seven years. In the literary tradition of the tragic hero, Okonkwo’s undoing continues with his accidental killing of Ezeudu’s son.

What happens to ogbuefi Udo’s wife?

Summary: Chapter 2 One night, the town crier rings the ogene, or gong, and requests that all of the clansmen gather in the market in the morning. At the gathering, Ogbuefi Ezeugo, a noted orator, announces that someone from the village of Mbaino murdered the wife of an Umuofia tribesman while she was in their market.

What did the villagers do with the locusts?

Q. What did the villagers do when the locusts came? They blockaded themselves in their huts until the locusts had gone. They set fire to the fields to drive the locusts away.

What is Akueke’s bride price?

What is Akueke’s bride-price, and how do the men arrive at the price? 20 bags of cowries. They bargain with the use of short broomsticks, each representing a bag of cowries.

Why does Okonkwo get so angry about nwoye’s conversion?

Part of the reason Okonkwo is so angry about Nwoye’s new religion is that he considers Christianity weak and effeminate, and we know how important manliness is to Okonkwo. Okonkwo sees his father in Nwoye and can’t believe that he could father a son who’s so much like “a woman.”