What did Frederick Douglass think about the Underground Railroad?

What did Frederick Douglass think about the Underground Railroad?

Why does Frederick Douglass not approve of the underground railroad? because he believes, that to many people know of it. and it isn’t underground. if it was, it might be a little safer.

What does Douglass try to do in this introduction cite evidence from the text to support your answer?

Cite evidence from the text to support your answer. Douglas tried to give some background info on why he felt out of place. For example, in the text “He who could address this audience without a quailing sensation, has stronger nerves than I have.

Why did Frederick Douglass disapprove of the manner in which the Underground Railroad was conducted?

Why did Frederick Douglass disapprove of the manner in which the Underground Railroad was conducted? He thought that there was too much publicity about the Underground Railroad which may hinder future escape efforts because they were enlightening slaveholders of their methods of escape.

Why does Douglass make a distinction between the Underground Railroad and what he sees as the Upperground railroad?

Douglass adds that the underground railroad (an organized system of cooperation among abolitionists helping fugitive slaves escape to the North or Canada) should be called the “upperground railroad,” and he honors “those good men and women for their noble daring, and applauds them for willingly subjecting themselves to …

How did some slaves supplement their necessities?

Some slaves would trade whatever they got in order to obtain something they wanted or needed, and they would also steal small amounts of certain food items from the plantations in order to supplement their needs.

What happened to demby?

Demby is a slave who is killed by Mr. Gore, one of Colonel Lloyd’s overseers. Demby runs away from the brutal whipping he is receiving from Gore and takes refuge in a stream. Gore threatens to shoot Demby if the slave does not leave the stream by the count of three, and when Demby remains in the stream, Gore kills him.

What conclusion does Douglass draw about the foundation of slavery?

Answer Expert Verified. Douglass concluded that the system of slavery in America was anti-liberty and violated hundreds of thousands of slaves’ natural rights.

What is the central claim of what the black man wants?

The central claim of “What the Black Man Wants” is: In a country that was built on the idea of freedom, everyone should have equal rights. Fredrick Douglass gave this famous speech before the Civil Wars. Douglass fought for equal rights given to the Blacks to vote.

What emotions did Douglass say that the songs sung by slaves convey?

What emotions did Douglass say that the songs sung by slaves conveyed? The emotions Douglass feels are overwhelming sadness to the point where he cannot describe how sad he is.

Where do slaves sleep?

Slaves on small farms often slept in the kitchen or an outbuilding, and sometimes in small cabins near the farmer’s house. On larger plantations where there were many slaves, they usually lived in small cabins in a slave quarter, far from the master’s house but under the watchful eye of an overseer.