What do facial muscles allow us to do?

What do facial muscles allow us to do?

The facial muscles serve 2 major functions for the body: mastication and facial expressions. The muscles of mastication include the temporalis, medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid, and the masseter (buccinator muscle is an important accessory of chewing). Another important function is facial expression.

How many muscles do we have in our face?

42 muscles

What is the most sensitive part of a female’s body?

Researchers in Montreal have identified the body parts most sensitive to touch. A team at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) found the neck, forearms and vaginal margin are the most sensitive to light touch and the clitoris and nipples are most sensitive to both pressure and vibration.

What are the most fragile bones in the face?

Supporting the eye, the lacrimal bones are the most fragile of the 14 facial bones. The orbital surface of the lacrimal bone is divided by a ridge called the posterior lacrimal crest.

Where is the hardest part of the head?

Frontal bone: This bone comprises the forehead (squama frontalis) and the upper orbit of the eye (pars orbitalis). It joins the parietal bones at the coronal suture. Two temporal bones: These bones are located at the sides and base of the skull, and they are the hardest bones in the body.

What is the most fragile bone in the skull?

lacrimal bone

What animal has the thickest skull?

John Ferraro is the Hammerhead. His skull is more than two times thicker than the average human’s, and he uses it to hammer nails into wood, snap baseball bats in half, and bend steel bars!

Where is the thinnest part of the skull?


  • The frontal, parietal, temporal and sphenoid bones unite at the ‘pterion’ – the thinnest part of the skull.
  • The middle meningeal artery runs in a groove on the inner table of the skull in this area.

Is the human skull stronger than a watermelon?

No, watermelons have about the same “density” as a human skull. Density and strength aren’t the same thing. If you are looking for something to test weapons on then watermelons would be good for blunt force testing (maybe firearms too). You could use ballistic gel but that’s too bouncy to represent a human skull.

Is the human skull stronger than concrete?

Your bones, pound for pound, are 4 times stronger than concrete. A muscle called the diaphragm controls the human breathing process. Bone is stronger than some steel.

How much force can a human kick?

After looking at kicks from several different fighting styles, they found that experts could generate up to 9,000 newtons with them, equal to roughly a ton of force. A quick, sharp blow that delivers some 3,300 newtons of force has a 25 percent chance of cracking an average person’s rib, she said.

Which bone of human body is stronger than concrete?

thigh bone