What do the three witches prophecy about Banquo?

What do the three witches prophecy about Banquo?

The three witches tell Banquo that he will have kings in his family line, although he himself will never become king. This prophecy is stated along with the foretelling of Macbeth’s ascension to the throne, meaning their fates are interconnected.

What three things do the witches predict for Macbeth and Banquo quizlet?

iii for Macbeth? For Banquo? They predict Macbeth will be Thane of Cawdor and eventually the king. They predict that Banquo will be “lesser than Macbeth, and greater, Not so happy, and yet happier” and that his descendants will be kings although he will not be one.

What is Lady Macbeth’s prayer to the spirits after she learns Duncan in coming?

She’ll talk him into it. 10. What is Lady Macbeth’s “prayer” to the spirits after she learns Duncan is coming”? She wants to be filled with cruelty, given a hard heart and the thick blood necessary to do what has to be done in order to make Macbeth king.

Why does Lady Macbeth say unsex?

Lady Macbeth: She isn’t sure there’s enough manhood to go around between herself and her husband, so she calls upon scheming spirits to “unsex me here.” This is her vivid way of asking to be stripped of feminine weakness and invested with masculine resolve.

What does milk symbolize?

Milk is a powerful symbol within most cultural traditions. It is the fluid of eternal life, fertility, abundance; it is the food of the gods, the first human diet, it flows freely in the “promised land of Canaan” (Biederman, 221). Milk symbolizes the MOTHER, it is deeply connected with life itself.

Who says too full of the milk of human kindness?

Lady Macbeth’s

Where does Lady Macbeth say unsex?

“Come you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me here, and fill me from the crown to the toe, top-full of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood” (1.5. 38–41). This quote from Lady Macbeth in Macbeth takes place in act 1, scene 5.