What do you put on your resume if you are still studying?

What do you put on your resume if you are still studying?

There are two great ways to handle including this information on your resume:State the college you’re attending.The degree you’re pursuing.Your area of study.Current GPA (if 3.0 or higher)Include your anticipated graduation date; this is very important if your graduation date is within the next 12 months.

How do you write your future graduation date on a resume?

Expected graduation dates give employers an idea of how long you have left in college and if they’ll need to accommodate classes….Include your expected graduation date in parenthesis.Identify the exact graduation date. Identify your current GPA. List your education entry. Include your expected graduation date.

How do you list your minor on your resume?

You can choose to list your minor on the same line as your degree and major by simply separating your major and minor with a comma. Or you can choose to list your minor on its own separate line underneath the line with your degree and major.