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What does a compound-complex sentence contain?

What does a compound-complex sentence contain?

A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses.

Can a sentence be both compound and complex?

As the name suggests, a compound-complex sentence brings both of these sentence forms together. That is, it contains at least two independent clauses (like a compound sentence) and at least one dependent clause (like a complex sentence).

What is compound-complex and compound-complex sentences?

A COMPLEX SENTENCE has one dependent clause (headed by a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun ) joined to an independent clause. A COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE has two independent clauses joined to one or more dependent clauses.

What is a compound give 3 examples?

A compound is a substance that is made up of two or more elements. Some examples of compounds include water, carbon dioxide, and table salt.

What is the most useful compound?

Therefore, water is the most important compound in our life.

What is the most important chemical?

Sulfuric acid is the world’s most important industrial chemical! In North America we produce about 50 million tons a year, mostly by burning sulfur to form sulfur dioxide which is then reacted with water.

What are 10 common chemicals used at home?

Molecular Formula

  • Alcohol. (ethanol) C2H6O.
  • Alka Seltzer* (sodium bicarbonate¶) CHNaO3
  • Antifreeze. (ethylene glycol) C2H6O2
  • Antiperspirant. (aluminum chlorohydrate) Al2Cl(OH)5
  • Aspirin®* (acetylsalicylic acid) C9H8O4
  • Baking powder. (sodium bicarbonate¶)
  • Battery acid. (sulphuric acid)
  • Bleach (laundry) (sodium hypochlorite¶)

What are some organic compounds used in daily life?

These common products make use of organic chemistry:

  • Shampoo.
  • Gasoline.
  • Perfume.
  • Lotion.
  • Drugs.
  • Food and food additives.
  • Plastics.
  • Paper.

What are the 5 main organic compounds?

Five functional groups are important in human physiology; these are the hydroxyl, carboxyl, amino, methyl and phosphate groups (Table 2.1). Hydroxyl groups are polar. They are components of all four types of organic compounds discussed in this chapter.

What are 5 examples of organic compounds?


  • fructose (C6H12O6)
  • glucose (C₆H₁₂O₆)
  • allose (C₆H₁₂O₆)
  • altrose (C₆H₁₂O₆)
  • galactose (C₆H₁₂O₆)
  • gulose (C₆H₁₂O₆)
  • arabinose (C5H10O5)
  • erythrose (C4H8O4)

What are the 4 types of organic compounds?

The four types most important to human structure and function are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleotides. Before exploring these compounds, you need to first understand the chemistry of carbon.

What are the 2 major types of organic compounds?

Among the numerous types of organic compounds, four major categories are found in all living things: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids.

What are the 6 organic compounds?

Each type of organic molecule has its own specific type of functional group. Functional groups in biological molecules play an important role in the formation of molecules like DNA, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Functional groups include: hydroxyl, methyl, carbonyl, carboxyl, amino, phosphate, and sulfhydryl.

Is water an organic compound?

The most general classification of chemical compounds is that of inorganic and organic substances. Inorganic substances generally do not contain a carbon atom, whereas organic substances contain several. Water is definitely an inorganic compound (dihydrogen oxide) and methyl alcohol is definitely an organic compound.

What are 3 examples of organic compounds?

Examples of organic compounds are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleic acids.