What does a fern produce?

What does a fern produce?

Ferns generally reproduce by producing spores. Similar to flowering plants, ferns have roots, stems and leaves. However, unlike flowering plants, ferns do not have flowers or seeds; instead, they usually reproduce sexually by tiny spores or sometimes can reproduce vegetatively, as exemplified by the walking fern.

What plant structure produces spores?


What are the similarities and differences between spores and seeds?


Seeds Spores
Seeds are produced by flowering plants. Spores are produced by fungi, algae, bacteria, non-flowering plants etc.
Seeds are mostly present inside a fruit. Spores are found underside the leaves of ferns and mosses and gills of the fungi.
They are macroscopic. They are microscopic.

What are the four major plant groups?

These are the mosses (non-vascular plants), the ferns (seedless, vascular plants), gymnosperms and angiosperms. The latter two groups are both vascular plants that produce seeds.

What four characteristics do all members of the kingdom Plantae have in common?

Kingdom Plantae

  • They are eukaryotic and multicellular.
  • Their cells have cellulose walls.
  • Majority have transport system.
  • They have photosynthesis hence autotrophic.
  • Reproduction is both asexual and sexual.
  • They show alternation of generation.

What are characteristics of archaebacteria?

The common characteristics of Archaebacteria known to date are these: (1) the presence of characteristic tRNAs and ribosomal RNAs; (2) the absence of peptidoglycan cell walls, with in many cases, replacement by a largely proteinaceous coat; (3) the occurrence of ether linked lipids built from phytanyl chains and (4) in …

What are three examples of Animalia?

Kingdom Animalia

  • Annelida (worms, leeches)
  • Arthropoda (insects, spiders, crustaceans)
  • Chordata (mammals, fish, reptiles, birds)
  • Cnidaria (jellyfish, anemone, corals)
  • Mollusca (octopuses, squid, cuttlefish)
  • Platyhelminthes (flatworms, tapeworms, flukes)
  • Porifera (freshwater sponges, sea sponges)

What are the 8 kingdoms of classification?

The eight kingdoms became: Eubacteria, Archaebacteria, Archezoa, Protozoa, Chromista, Plantae, Fungi, and Animalia.

What are the 5 domains of life?

To help ensure animals have a ‘life worth living’ they must have the opportunity to have positive experiences, such as anticipation, satisfaction and satiation….Table 1 Five Freedoms and Five Domains – simplistic form.

Five Freedoms Five Domains
2. From discomfort 2. Environment
3. From pain, injury and disease 3. Health

Are viruses bacteria or archaea?

Viruses are among the most abundant biological entities on earth, outnumbering cells in some environments by more than an order of magnitude. Viruses of Archaea (termed archaeal viruses) are some of the most unusual and least understood group of viruses.

Can viruses infect Archaea?

Archaea can be infected by double-stranded DNA viruses that are unrelated to any other form of virus and have a variety of unusual shapes. These viruses have been studied in most detail in thermophilics, particularly the orders Sulfolobales and Thermoproteales.

Is a virus a microbe?

Microorganisms can be bacteria, fungi, archaea or protists. The term microorganisms does not include viruses and prions, which are generally classified as non-living.