What does agitate mean?

What does agitate mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : disturb My presence did not appear to agitate or irritate him as before, and he accepted my services quietly …— Charlotte Brontë

What is agitation and example?

Agitation is defined as the state of feeling irritated or restless. The definition of agitation refers to the process of moving something forcefully or violently. An example of agitation is when a lake is choppy due to wind.

How do you use agitate in a sentence?

Agitate in a Sentence 🔉

  1. Barking at the dog will only agitate him further.
  2. Because my son is a troublemaker, he likes to agitate his younger sister by hiding her dolls.
  3. The protestors outside city hall hoped they were yelling loud enough to agitate the close-minded mayor.

What is the full meaning of agitating?

verb (used with object), ag·i·tat·ed, ag·i·tat·ing. to move or force into violent, irregular action: The hurricane winds agitated the sea. to shake or move briskly: The machine agitated the mixture.

What does agitate mean in science?

(Chemical Engineering: General) Agitation is the movement of one or more components of a mixture to improve contact. Vigorous agitation of liquids, particularly water, will cause a reduction in the agglomeration of the liquid and change its normal properties.

What is agitate in chemistry?

agitation in Chemical Engineering (ædʒɪteɪʃən) noun. (Chemical Engineering: General) Agitation is the movement of one or more components of a mixture to improve contact. Vigorous agitation of liquids, particularly water, will cause a reduction in the agglomeration of the liquid and change its normal properties.

What is an example of profuse?

The definition of profuse is a generous person or something that gives freely or in large amounts. An example of profuse used as an adjective is the phrase he is profuse in advice, someone who gives advice to all of their friends. In great quantity or abundance. She grew profuse amounts of zucchini and pumpkins.

What is the noun of agitate?

agitation. The act of agitating, or the state of being agitated; the state of being moved with violence, or with irregular action; commotion. A stirring up or arousing; disturbance of tranquillity; disturbance of mind which shows itself by physical excitement; perturbation.

What does it mean to agitate film?

The agitation used when developing film is an artform just as important as taking the photos. They use machines to automatically process film with the same temperature and agitation every single time. This ensures they get a standardized look — so long as the photographer shoots the film at box speed.

What is the function of agitator?

An Agitator is a machine used in a tank for mixing various process media together. Media include all liquid types, gases & solids (such as salts, powders, granules etc). In summary, it works by rotating an impeller to impart energy to the media which interact and mix.

What is the meaning of the word onomatopoeia?

What is onomatopoeia? Onomatopoeia is a literary device that uses the letter sounds of a word to imitate the natural sound emitted from an object or action. The word onomatopoeia can be traced back to the Ancient Greek word “onomatopoiia” which means the making of a word or name.

Which is the best definition of the word agitate?

transitive verb 1 : to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : disturb My presence did not appear to agitate or irritate him as before, and he accepted my services quietly …— Charlotte Brontë 1 : to move or stir up The water was agitated by wind. 2 : disturb, excite, or anger She was agitated by the bad news.

What are the different types of onomatopoeia in Ulysses?

The opening lines of the “Sirens” chapter of Ulysses contain three different types of onomatopoeic language: conventional onomatopoeia with real words that sound like the things they refer to or describe, non-onomatopoeic words used to create an onomatopoeic effect, and onomatopoeia with made-up words.

What kind of onomatopoeia does Edgar Allan Poe use?

Poe’s poem is an onslaught of onomatopoeia. Here in Stanza IV of the poem he uses conventional onomatopoeia in which words like “throbbing,” “sobbing,” “moaning,” and “groaning” sound like the thing they refer to or describe.

What does agitate mean?

What does agitate mean?

transitive verb. 1 : to excite and often trouble the mind or feelings of : disturb My presence did not appear to agitate or irritate him as before, and he accepted my services quietly …— Charlotte Brontë 2a : to discuss excitedly and earnestly.

Can agitated mean angry?

Describing someone (or yourself) as agitated usually means that something or someone is causing feelings of tension or stress. Wild, blustery wind blowing like mad. I can never understand why it makes me feel so agitated.

Does agitated mean confused?

Confuse verb – To throw into a state of mental uncertainty. Agitate is a synonym for confuse in perturb topic. Sometimes you can use “Agitate” instead a verb “Confuse”.

What is the full meaning of agitating?

agitate verb (WORRY) to make someone feel worried or angry: I didn’t want to agitate her by telling her. SMART Vocabulary: related words and phrases. Causing anxiety and worry. alarming.

How do you use agitate?

Agitate in a Sentence ?

  1. Barking at the dog will only agitate him further.
  2. Because my son is a troublemaker, he likes to agitate his younger sister by hiding her dolls.
  3. The protestors outside city hall hoped they were yelling loud enough to agitate the close-minded mayor.

What does perturbed mean in English?

: troubled in mind : feeling or showing agitation : bothered, upset Never in his life had he been so perturbed, so horribly anxious.—

What makes you to be upset?

What causes people to get angry? There are many common triggers for anger, such as losing your patience, feeling as if your opinion or efforts aren’t appreciated, and injustice. Other causes of anger include memories of traumatic or enraging events and worrying about personal problems.

What is the one word for producing great sadness?

1 unhappy, despondent, disconsolate, discouraged, gloomy, downcast, downhearted, depressed, dejected, melancholy.

How do you tell if a guy is annoyed with you?

Next time they throw shade your way, you know to back off and see if the situation improves.

  1. Crossed Arms.
  2. Looking Anywhere But Directly At You (Especially To The Side)
  3. They Huff or Sigh A Lot.
  4. Short Terse Replies.
  5. Interrupting While You Speak.
  6. Turning Their Body Away From You.
  7. They Rub Their Face In Exasperation.