What does Beatty quote before his death?

What does Beatty quote before his death?

Expert Answers Hover for more information. Just before Beatty dies, he speaks some lines from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar: There is no terror, Cassius, in your threats, for I am arm’d so strong in honesty that they pass by me as the idle wind, which I respect not.

Why is Beatty’s death ironic?

There are several ironies in Beatty’s death: Montag believes that Beatty actually wanted to die; he was intentionally goading Montag into losing his temper. It is ironic that Beatty, who was supposed to be the face of calm, rational order and sensibility, and a figure of the government’s power, was eager to die.

How did Captain Beatty die?

Captain Beatty dies when Montag aims the flame thrower at him and burns him alive. In the course of their work in burning books, Beatty leads Montag straight to Montag’s own house. As they stand at the front door, Montag’s wife, Mildred, comes running out with a suitcase in her hand.

What is Guy Montag afraid of?

Montag fears that the dog can sense his growing unhappiness. He also fears that the Hound somehow knows that he’s confiscated some books during one of his raids. The fire chief, Captain Beatty also senses Montag’s unhappiness.

What does Montag say to Bowles?


Question Answer
What did Montag say to Mrs. Bowles just before she left? tells her to go home and think about her miserable life
How did Mildred deal with her feelings after the ladies left? Starts to take pills

What is Montag trying to memorize on the subway?

While on the subway to see Faber, Montag tries to memorize a verse from the New Testament: specifically, Matthew 6:28. He finds his concentration broken by the constant television ads — even in a subway — for toothpaste: “Denham’s Dentrifice.”

What is Montag and Faber’s plan?

The plan that Faber and Montag have is to plant books in the homes of firemen so that the firemen will get arrested and there will be no one to enforce the anti-book laws. Montag says he wants to have “…the salamander devour its own tail,”, or bring the society down from the inside.

How is Captain Beatty’s death ironic?

What is the ignition temperature of kerosene?

approximately 295 °C

Is kerosene cleaner than diesel?

kero has less heat per gallon than #2 diesel, kerosene burns much cleaner with less BTU per gallon, Kerosene and jet fuel are the same thing just filtered better. Kero is added to diesel in the winter to lower the cloud point or the temp that the parafin in the diesel starts to solidify.

What happens if u drink kerosene?

Like most chemicals, the amount of kerosene you are exposed to must be above a certain level to cause adverse health effects. Breathing large quantities of kerosene vapour or drinking kerosene-based liquids may cause non-specific signs such as dizziness, headache and vomiting.

Can kerosene fumes kill you?

Thus, it’s a good idea to check the fuel gauge regularly. But the real danger is that misuse of kerosene heaters could replace room oxygen with carbon monoxide and lead to death by asphyxiation.

Why do I smell kerosene in my house?

The most common cause of a kerosene odor in the house is the presence of petroleum products like paint or oil. When drying paint mixes with traces of natural gas in the air (from your stove, water boiler, etc.), it produces an odor similar to kerosene. It’s not dangerous – just thoroughly air out your house.

Can you get carbon monoxide poisoning from a kerosene heater?

Kerosene heaters should not be left unattended, especially when sleeping. A kerosene heater, as any heater that uses organic fuel, can produce dangerously high amounts of soot and carbon monoxide when running out of oxygen. Failure to follow safety precautions could result in asphyxiation or carbon monoxide poisoning.

What appliances give off carbon monoxide?

Carbon Monoxide Sources in the Home

  • Clothes dryers.
  • Water heaters.
  • Furnaces or boilers.
  • Fireplaces, both gas and wood burning.
  • Gas stoves and ovens.
  • Motor vehicles.
  • Grills, generators, power tools, lawn equipment.
  • Wood stoves.

How do I know if my heater is leaking carbon monoxide?

Signs on the Furnace Soot: Unusual soot-like stains around the furnace may indicate that there is a carbon monoxide leak. These may be black, brown, or yellow. Smells: While carbon monoxide does not create a smell, the problem that led to a leak may create a smell itself.

Can Propane cause carbon monoxide poisoning?

Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning can happen within a matter of minutes and is responsible for more deaths than any other single poison. Oil, propane, and natural gas fired heating systems, gas appliances and fireplaces all release carbon monoxide as they burn and can be health and fire hazards.

Will propane set off a carbon monoxide detector?

Understanding what a carbon monoxide detector can and can’t do is a vital part of picking the right security system. But the problem with all of these detectors is that they can’t alert for propane. A CO detector can’t detect a leak in a propane tank, which means homeowners could still be at risk.