What does Ceres organization do?

What does Ceres organization do?

Ceres is a nonprofit organization transforming the economy to build a just and sustainable future for people and the planet. We work with the most influential capital market leaders to solve the world’s greatest sustainability challenges.

What are the Ceres Principles?

The principles cover environmental protection, resource conservation, risk reduction, product safety, public access to information and accountability. The MSD Board signed the Ceres Principles in 1990, and expanded that commitment with its Environmental Policy Statement in 1993.

What is ceres2021?

Ceres 2021 brought together hundreds of institutional investors, corporate executives, policymakers and regulators as we call for the urgent, necessary and achievable actions we must take today to transform tomorrow.

Who founded Ceres?

Joan Bavaria
Ceres (organization)

Founded 1989
Founder Joan Bavaria
Focus Sustainability
Location Boston, Massachusetts
Area served United States

Can Ceres have life?

New research shows that shiny salt deposits on Ceres’ surface were left by water percolating up from underground. Ceres may have once held alien life, scientists say, because of its recent geologic activity, the presence of water, minerals containing ingredients for life, and a possible warm period in its past.

What is the importance of Ceres?

Ceres was a Roman goddess of agriculture as well as fertility in general. This meant that in pretty much every way possible, she was one of the goddesses directly responsible for life itself. According to some myths, it was Ceres who showed humans how to grow wheat. According to others, she saved humanity from famines.

What are the 10 Ceres Principles?

CERES states its 10 principles as follows: “(1) protection of the biosphere, (2) sustainable use of natural resources, (3) reduction and disposal of wastes, (4) energy conservation, (5) risk reduction, (6) safe products and services, (7) environmental restoration, (8) informing the public, (9) management commitment.

What value does Ceres add to the current business environment?

Ceres creates change among the economy’s biggest actors — manufacturers, energy producers, food and beverage companies, financial corporations, and more — because we recognize their actions are key to fundamentally transforming our economy.

Where is Ceres now?

Dwarf Planet 1 Ceres is currently in the constellation of Taurus.

Is Pluto bigger than Ceres?

Called an asteroid for many years, Ceres is so much bigger and so different from its rocky neighbors that scientists classified it as a dwarf planet in 2006. Even though Ceres comprises 25% of the asteroid belt’s total mass, Pluto is still 14 times more massive.

Can Ceres support life?

Truly its own world, Ceres has the ability to support life, however, it also sports some other interesting, earth-like features. The surface of the planet remains geologically active, mainly through means of volcanic activity.