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What does Charlie realize about himself after watching the dishwasher in the restaurant?

What does Charlie realize about himself after watching the dishwasher in the restaurant?

He laughed at the dishwasher’s mistakes but then Charlie realizes that the boy was just like him before Charlie became intelligent. He is mad at the crowd because they laugh at the dishwasher but he is only human and all humans make mistakes. Why does Charlie decide to work to increase human intelligence?

Why does Charlie notice the dishwasher at the restaurant?

Charlie is upset about the incident with the dishwasher because the people are laughing at the boy because he is retarded. Charlie goes to a diner one everning and notices “something familiar about” a new dishwasher there, a boy of about sixteen.

What was Charlie’s perception of himself?

Charley described himself as just an ordinary thirty one years old guy. He used to wear a tan gabardine suit and a straw hat having a fancy band. The question has been asked from the story The Third Level. He was just like other people that he passed on the road and he didn’t try to hide anything about his life.

How did Sam reached Galesburg?

Answer Expert Verified So, he made all the preparations and began finding the third level at New York Central Railway Station. He bought plenty of old currency notes from a coin dealer. Finally he found the third level and reached Galesburg where he started business of hay, feed and grain.

What was the strangest thing at the third level?

Answer: The new corridors and tunnels were trying to reach Times Squares and Central Park. But he lost his way and reached the Third Level. The strangest thing was the corridor that had led into the past.

How does the story begins the third level?

The Third level story begins in a serious manner. In the third level station, Charlie finds everything strange. The station was filled with old and smaller things.

What does Sam’s letter to Charley indicate?

He wanted Charley and Louisa to join him there and wanted them to keep looking till they found it. The letter brought out the difference between the tranquil pre-World War era and the tension- ridden world of the present. Then there was warmth, hospitality, and simple pleasures.

What convinced Charley that he had reached?

The suburban trains leave from there. Then he finds himself on the third level. He was convinced that he had reached the third level at Grand Central Station. He found it a different world of gas lights, brass spittoons, derby hats, beards, side bums and fancy moustaches.

How did Charlie realize that he had reached the third level?

When Charley reached Third Level of the Grand Central Station, he found everything delved deep in the old style. In order to confirm, he went to the shop at a newspaper seller. He glanced at the stack of the papers and saw a newspaper named ‘The World’ of June 11,1894. This confirmed that he was in the year 1894.

How did Charley make sure that he was not in the present?

To make sure that he was not in the present time, Charley did a reality check. He looked at the newspapers which were on sale at a kiosk and found a copy of the newspaper ‘The World’, which carried the main story on President Cleveland.

Why could Charley not reach the third level again?

He tried his best to find the corridor that led to the Third Level at Grand Central Station but he never found it. Since, the Third Level is just a medium for escape so Charley is not only lingering but has also entered into the world of fantasy and romance. Hence he would not be able to reach there.

When did Charley live in Galesburg?

Firstly, the first two levels of Grand Central Station were located in the present time while the third level existed in the 1890s. Secondly, Charley and his wife, Louisa, live in the present time yet he rushes to get old currency to buy two tickets to go to the Galesburg of 1894.

What did Charley find inside the First Day Cover?

Charlie found Sam’s letter inside the first day cover that was part of his stamp collection. – The first day cover containing Sam’s letter was among Charlie’s old collection of first day covers. – Usually first day covers are blank, but this one contained Sam’s letter, which was really surprising.

Why did Charley meet a psychiatrist?

Explanation: The narrator met a psychiatrist because he was sure he had been on the third level of the Grand Central Station. The psychiatrist also added that Charley was unhappy because of the insecurity, fear, war, worry and that he just wanted to escape just like everyone else.

How does Charley describe himself?

Ans. Charley describes himself as just an ordinary guy, thirty-one years old. He wore a tan gabardine suit and a straw hat with a fancy band. He was just like other men he passed on the road and he was not trying to escape from anything.

What was the most shocking and disturbing discovery made by Charlie?

According to him, the grand central was so big that it could lose his way very easily and each time discovered some new part of it suggesting its meandering ways. The most shocking and disturbing discovery Charley made was that the note had been sent by his friend Sam who had recently disappeared.

What was Sam Charley’s problem?

Charley was also told by the psychiatrist that Charley was unhappy because of the fear, insecurity, worry and war that he just wanted to escape. On the other hand, the glowing description that Charley provides indicates that the place really existed.

Why did the psychiatrist analysis make Louisa lose her temper?

4Why did the psychiatrist’s analysis make Louisa lose her temper and how did the psychiatrist appease her? So, the wife couldn’t tolerate the psychiatrist’s observation about Charley being an unhappy man. However, her anger subsided when he moved on to say that he was referring to modern man’s unhappiness in general.

How did his psychiatrist friend diagnose his problem?

Answer: The psychiatrist friend interpreted Charley’s finding the third level was the result of stress, fear, and insecurity of the modern world. He explained to him that the stress and fear had urged him to find an escape to a world that was peaceful and had plenty of leisure.

How did psychiatrist explain the problem of Charley to Louisa?

Explanation: This is at the Grand Central Station in the existence of the third level but was told that it was only a waking- dream wish fulfillment. Charley was also told by the psychiatrist that Charley was unhappy because of the fear, insecurity, worry and war that he just wanted to escape.

Does the third level exist?

Actually, there are only two levels. There does not exist any third level. The modern world is full of insecurity, fear, war and worries.

What was Sam’s business in Galesburg?

hay feed and grain