What does Esperanza put on her hands to heal them?

What does Esperanza put on her hands to heal them?

Hortensia makes a paste out of avocados and glycerine to soothe Esperanza’s cut and swollen hands.

What does Esperanza use to soften hands?

Ask students to explain why Chapter 11 is titled “Los Aguacates/Avocados.” Listen for students to point out that Esperanza uses avocados to help soften her hands because they are so rough from packing fruits and vegetables in the past few months.

What does the change in Esperanza’s hands symbolize?

What does the change in Esperanza’s hands symbolize? Esperanza has become a hard worker and a reliable employee to take care of her mother and herself. Life Is difficult just like Abuelita taught her.

What is Esperanza’s Christmas wish?

Meanwhile, Esperanza wishes for Abuelita to come to California and for Mama to recover. On Christmas Day, Esperanza visits Mama in the hospital. Mama sleeps the entire time that Esperanza is there. After seeing her mother so weak, Esperanza promises to take care of her family as the new head of her household.

Why did Esperanza cut the eyes out of the potatoes?

Why did they leave two eyes in the potatoes? The potato needed two eyes to be able to be planted in the ground and grow roots.

Why do you think Esperanza refused to let Miguel take over the sweeping job for her?

Why do you think Esperanza refused to let Miguel take over the sweeping job for her? She wanted more practice. She felt the need to keep up her responsibilites for mama. Because she has lost her husband, home, money, and separated from her mother in such a short time.

How does Esperanza respond to her mother’s new hairstyle?

How does Esperanza respond to her mother’s new hairstyle? Esperanza is surprised and unhappy with the way her mother looks. Read the excerpt from Esperanza Rising. She remembered that he had gone to look for work at the railroad.

How is Esperanza changing?

Esperanza must define herself both as a woman and as an artist, and her perception of her identity changes over the course of the novel. In the beginning of the novel Esperanza wants to change her name so that she can define herself on her own terms, instead of accepting a name that expresses her family heritage.

Which words does the author use to show that Esperanza is ashamed?

“staring at the wall.

How does Miguel teach Esperanza?

Miguel teaches Esperanza how to sweep.

Which detail explains how Esperanza must change?

The detail that explains that Esperanza must change- Miguel says she only knows how to give orders to servants. Explanation: Esperanza has never done any household work. She has only seen Hortensia sweeping and now she is trying to recall.

What phrase does the author use to describe Mama’s feelings?

After all, I am going to work today, not to a fiesta.” What phrase does the author use to describe Mama’s feelings? I can’t wear a hat with my hair on top of my head.

Which statement best describes Mama’s point of view in the story?

Which statement best describes Mama’s point of view in the story? Mama thinks all people, even the poor and dirty, deserve respect and compassion. Mama secretly agrees with Esperanza but has to act as if she likes the peasants.

What does La Patrona mean in Esperanza Rising?

to be the heads of the house hold

What is Esperanza’s plan to help Mama?

What does Esperanza decide to do to help herself and Mama? They cut up the potatoes, leaving two dimples, or eyes, in every piece. These pieces will be planted in the ground, where they’ll grow into new potatoes.

Why did the babies get sick in Esperanza Rising?

Esperanza had to watch the babies by herself; it did not go very well, but she figured out what to do. There was a dust storm that covered everything in dust and made Mama sick.

What did Esperanza feed the babies to calm their stomachs?

She remembers that when she was little and feeling sick, Hortensia used to boil rice water to soothe her stomach. For the rest of the afternoon, Esperanza boils rice water and feeds it to the babies in spoonfuls, eventually settling their stomachs.

What does Esperanza help Isabel make for Silvia’s Christmas gift?

What does Esperanza help Isabel make for Silvia’s Christmas gift? Esperanza helps by making a yarn doll for Silvia.

What do the potatoes symbolize in Esperanza Rising?

The Potatoes were peeled into potato eyes while Esperanza and Hortensia were working in North America, in the camps. Potatoes symbolize Esperanza’s love for her mother. Avocados were cut in half by Hortensia while Esperanza realizes that she is poor by looking at her hand which were really dirty.

What did Esperanza learn as she traveled through the challenging mountains and valleys of life?

What did Esperanza learn as she traveled through the challenging mountains and valleys of life? That she could be happy and accepting of life whichever way it took her.