What does Gesundheit mean?

What does Gesundheit mean?


What say after Gesundheit?

bless you

What does flop say when Bing sneezes?

Sarah Oldrey‎Bing Bunny it has only just occurred to me that in the episode “Atchoo” Flop, Amma and Sula all say something that sounds like “i-ee-chi” after Bing sneezes.

What’s another word for blessing?

Blessing Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for blessing?

approval backing
favorUS ratification
acquiescence good wishes
okay OK
valediction Godspeed

How do you express God bless you?

How would I say it, ‘May God bless you in all your endeavours’ or ‘May God bless all your endeavours’? ‘May God bless you in all your endeavours’ Is asking God’s blessing on the person you are talking to. On the other hand ‘May God bless all your endeavours’ asks the endeavours or projects are blessed.

Does God want to bless us?

Whether you believe it or not, God wants to bless us. He does not just want to, He loves to! God’s heart is to lavish us with His goodness. As a loving Father whose pleasure is to shower His children with good things, God wants us to experience the fullness of His greatness.

Why does God bless us when we don’t deserve it?

There are two main reasons for this: 1- God created us and he always gives and supplies all kind (deserve it or not). 2- The logic of freedom: God blesses all regardless behavior, for what we do is related to our choices.. He created us free, therefore if He blessed us based on our behavior then our freedom will cease.

What has God blessed us with?

God’s Ultimate Blessing Sin ruined that plan in the beginning, but he gives us the ultimate blessing of restoration, forgiveness and eternal life through Jesus. Jesus pours out all his attributes onto us: his love and joy, peace and patience, kindness and goodness, faithfulness, and gentleness.

Why does God want to bless us?

The reason Jesus wants to bless us is so that we recognize we are sinful. He wants us to understand His righteousness, His holiness, His purity matched against our sin by His blessing. Most people think that they are being blessed because they are good.