What does he mean when he says that treasure is uncovered by the force of flowing water and it is buried by the same currents?

What does he mean when he says that treasure is uncovered by the force of flowing water and it is buried by the same currents?

Similarly, when the old man says that “treasure is uncovered by the force of flowing water, and it is buried by the same currents,” he means that treasure is uncovered when you are young and have dreams; however, it is later buried by the reality you face in life.

What does the Englishman refer to as the principle of the soul of the world how does this connect to the caravan and the desert?

The englishman is referred to at the “principle of the Soul of the World” because he has found it and knows about it. The connection between the caravan and the desert is very similar. They connect the caravan and the desert because the desert is like bloody war, its very dangerous.

What does Santiago want to do with the money he earns by working for a merchant?

Despite the lessons Santiago learns while working for the crystal merchant, he initially decides to use his earnings to buy a new flock of sheep and return to his old life. He must consult Urim and Thummim once more in order to renew his commitment to his goal.

What warning does the boys heart whisper as he is about to climb a large dune?

What warning does the boy’s heart whisper as he is about to climb a large dune? His heart warns him to be aware of the place where he is brought to tears.

What is the connection that the alchemist makes between alchemy and evolution?

The alchemist says that gold represents the most evolved metal, and that successful alchemists understand evolution.

Why does the Englishman refer to as the principle of the soul of the world how does this connect to the caravan and the desert?

What does Fatima think about his journey?

What does Fatima think about santiago’s journey? What lesson does this teach him? She thinks that she is now about of his journey, and that teaches him that fatima loves him and with always love him. While helping the englishman in his search for the alchemist, what does santiago learn about the alchemist?

What does excruciating mean in English?

English Language Learners Definition of excruciating : very painful : causing great mental or physical pain. : very severe. : extreme or excessive.

What does unbearable mean?

: too bad, harsh, or extreme to be accepted or endured : not bearable. See the full definition for unbearable in the English Language Learners Dictionary. unbearable. adjective. un·​bear·​able | \ ˌən-ˈber-ə-bəl \

What sound do you make when your in pain?

The low sound you make when you’re in pain is called a moan.

What do you say when in pain?

Here are FIVE THINGS we COULD say to someone who is some serious pain.

  1. This really stinks. Or, this really is awful/heartbreaking/painful.
  2. My heart breaks WITH yours. Empathy from others is felt when it’s real.
  3. You are NOT ALONE. Then, don’t leave them alone…just show up, be present…
  4. You are doing GREAT.
  5. Nothing.

What do you say to someone in constant pain?

Helpful Things to Say to Someone in Chronic Pain

  • You look well today/good, but how are youfeeling?
  • I am going to be going to the store.
  • I cant imagine how hard this is for you, but you seem to be handling it well and I think you are so strong.

What do you say to comfort someone in pain?

1. “ “I know that this is a hard time for you, and I know that you’re hurting…” “I hear you.. It seems like you’re upset because…” To start comforting someone, simply describe what you see or feel.