What does Heisst mean in German?

What does Heisst mean in German?

(copulative) to have a name; to be named; to be called; but implying that one “owns” this name, not necessarily that one goes by it. Wie heißt du? What is your name? Ich heiße …

How do you say is called in German?

heißen Ich heiße John….Translation by Vocabulix.

English German
(to) be called heißen, genannt werden
to be called heißen ,genannt werden
to be called heißen genannt werden

What is the meaning of Heiben?

to be named

What is the meaning of Wie Heisst du?

Heißen: to mean So the literal meaning is “What are you called?”

What is the English meaning of Wohnen?

noun. habitation [noun] the act of living in (a building etc) These houses are not fit for human habitation. (Translation of wohnen from the PASSWORD German–English Dictionary © 2014 K Dictionaries Ltd)

What is Herr and Frau?

“Frau” is the equivalent of “Herr” and just means “woman” which makes it much clearer than in other languages that the married title does not have an inherent meaning of marriage, but of being adult, and that this is the analogous address.

What is Lehrer English?

noun. one who instructs; a teacher.

What does Artz mean in German?

Arzt Noun. Arzt, der ~ (Doktor) physician, the ~ Noun. doctor, the ~ Noun. medical practitioner, the ~ Noun.

Is Arzt masculine or feminine?

I’m compiling a list of occupations and I know in German you can have a male form and female form e.g. Arzt (male doctor) Ärztin (female doctor). You usually add in to make the femine form.

What is the plural of auto in German?

Especially for German learners the correct declension of the word Auto is crucial….DeclensionAuto.

Singular Plural
Gen. des Autos der Autos
Dat. dem Auto den Autos
Acc. das Auto die Autos

What is the plural of tag in German?

The declension of the noun Tag is in singular genitive Tag(e)s and in the plural nominative Tage. The noun Tag is declined with the declension endings es/e. It can also be used with other endings. The voice of Tag is maskuline and the article “der”. The noun can also be used with other genus and other articles.

What is the plural of Buch?

The plural of Stift is formed with the ending -e, becoming: die Stifte. The plural of Buch is formed with an umlaut (the symbol for this is a dash with two dots above it, as you see in the picture above) and the ending -er, becoming: die Bücher.

What is the plural of Freundin in German?

There are two different words for friend in German: Freund is masculine and Freundin is feminine. When talking about more than one female friend, use the plural Freundinnen. When talking about more than one male friend or male and female friends together, then use the plural form Freunde.