What does Im not sure mean?

What does Im not sure mean?

I don’t know

How do you say I don’t know the answer?

  1. Repeat or paraphrase the question out loud.
  2. Ask clarifying questions.
  3. Admit you don’t know the full answer.
  4. Provide what information you do have.
  5. Promise you will find the answer and come back to the questioner.
  6. Ask the questioner how to best reach him, if you don’t know how.
  7. Ask the group to continue the presentation.

What Does not sure yet mean?

+0. He’s not sure (about something in the context). He expects that he may be sure about it at some future time, possibly soon.

What’s another word for not sure?

What is another word for not sure?

on the fence ambivalent
open tentative
torn uncertain
unclear uncommitted
undecided undetermined

What can I say instead of I miss you?

44 Cool Ways to Say I MISS YOU – Image

  • I can’t stop thinking about you.
  • I can’t wait to see you again.
  • When will I see you again?
  • I hope I see you again soon.
  • I feel sad without you.
  • All I do is think of you.
  • I wish you were here.
  • I’m counting down the days.

What to say when you are not ready to say I love you?

Tell Them How You Feel About Them

  • “You mean more to me every single day.”
  • 2. ”
  • “I really care so much about you.”
  • 4. “
  • “I really love how you [insert a character trait or action].”
  • “I never get tired of looking at you.”
  • “There is no one I would rather be with right now than you.”
  • “I love your body.”

How do you respond to sending a lot of love?

Go out there and spread the love!

  1. I love you more.
  2. Thank you.
  3. Hearing you say that makes me so happy.
  4. Did you know that you make the world a better place?
  5. No, I love you!
  6. You’re the only person who makes me smile constantly.
  7. You’re so wonderful that you made me forget my reply to your “I love you.”

Can we say lots of love?

Either is correct, but both are colloquialisms. They would not be used in formal English. It’s normal to write ‘Lots of love’. It’s unusual to write ‘Loads of love’.

Can you reply me too to I Love You?

If you want to say “me, too”, you can say that, although in some situations in may be interpreted as less sincere than saying “I love you, too.” Also, it’s probably not grammatically correct, but that’s the accepted way of saying it….

What is lots of love in texting?

LOL stands for Lots of Love Slang/chat, popular culture.

Can you say love you too much?

There is no “too much” for saying “I love you”. There is no “too much” for saying “I love you”. When you say “I love you”, you have to make sure of one thing, not only you really mean it but you need to think a bit deep. You need to make sure your partner feels like you mean it.

What does OGS mean?


Acronym Definition
OGS Office of Government Services (Price Waterhouse)
OGS Optional General Service (various companies)
OGS Old Git Syndrome
OGS Online Gaming Service

What does OG mean in Tik Tok?

Original Gangster

What does OG stand for in fortnite?

How do you use OG in a sentence?

Micheal Jordan is an OG because of playing basketball for years. Q: I am thinking og quitting my company, which I have not decided it yet. does this sound natural? A: I am thinking of quitting my company, but I haven’t decided yet.

Is it OK to say OG?

As far as internet slang goes, “OG” is on the older end of the spectrum. If you haven’t caught on just yet to phrases like “he’s the OG” or “that was so OG,” it’s safe to say you’re a little behind….

What does OG mean in Snapchat?

What does Im not sure mean?

What does Im not sure mean?

‘I’m not sure’ is another variation of “I don’t know” Sure – meaning yes, to confirm, or to be certain. With ‘I’m not sure’ you are saying you are not certain of the answer to the question or ‘I don’t know’ An alternative can be: “I’m not certain”

What can I say instead of I am not sure?

not sure

  • ambivalent.
  • borderline.
  • debatable.
  • divided.
  • hesitant.
  • iffy.
  • impartial.
  • indecisive.

What Does not sure yet mean?

+0. He’s not sure (about something in the context). He expects that he may be sure about it at some future time, possibly soon.

How do you say you are not sure in an email?

What to Say When You Know But You are Not Sure

  1. As Far As I Know! This is a very useful term.
  2. To The Best of My Knowledge! This phrase works in the same way as “as far as I know” but it is a lot more formal.
  3. Correct Me if I’m Wrong… This is a different type of phrase.
  4. I thought… This is a very useful phrase.

What is another word for not sure?

In this page you can discover 64 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for unsure, like: doubtful, uncertain, hesitant, dubitable, problematic, indefinite, borderline, tottery, untrustworthy, inconclusive and unsettled.

How do you politely say follow up?

You could try:

  1. “I’m following up on the below” or “Following up on this [request/question/assignment]”
  2. “I’m circling back on the below” or “Circling back on this [request/question/assignment]”
  3. “I’m checking in on the below” or “Checking in on this [request/question/assignment]”

How do you follow up without being annoying?

Let’s look at some good ways of doing that.

  1. Wait 2-3 days before following up. Just because you need to follow up consistently, it doesn’t mean that you send the follow-up email the next day.
  2. Acknowledge the reporter’s time.
  3. Pitch a different approach.
  4. Keep it concise.
  5. Make it skimmable.
  6. Ask open-ended questions.
  7. Conclusion.

What to say other than follow up?

What is another word for follow-up?

complement sequel
postscript follow-on
progression epilogueUK
consecution part two
epilogUS continuance

How do you politely follow up after no response?

Openers you might want to try include:

  1. I just wanted to follow up on the email I sent last [day of the week email was sent] about [subject of email].
  2. I just wanted to follow up to see what you thought about [subject of email].
  3. I hope this doesn’t sound weird, but I saw that you read my previous email.

Is no response a response?

No response is a response, a powerful one. By not responding, they are sending you a message that they’re not willing to invest in your relationship. Their silence is sending you a message that you shouldn’t wait for them to change.

How do I ask if Im shortlisted?

How to Ask Interview Status: More Tips and Advice

  1. Keep it short, specific, and to the point.
  2. Be professional. Avoid unnecessary details.
  3. Don’t come across as desperate.
  4. Don’t accuse or attack the contact for making you wait.
  5. Give HR at least 3 days to reply.
  6. Waiting to hear an interview result is tough.

How do you write a follow up email after no response?

“Hi , I wanted to follow up to see if there have been any updates regarding the <JOB TITLE> position that I had interviewed for on . I’m still very interested based on what I heard in the interview and I’m excited to hear about next steps, so any information you can share on your end would be great.

How do you politely ask about your application status?

Write a follow-up email directly to the hiring manager Use a clear subject line, for example: Following up on a job application for [position title]. Be polite and humble in the body of your message. Say you’re still interested and reiterate why you’re the perfect fit. Keep the resume follow-up email short.

How do you ask an employer if they have made a decision?

Start the email by reminding the interviewer who you are: “This is Jane Doe. I interviewed for your graphic designer position last week.” After that, make sure you mention you’re still interested in the job, and then ask if they have made any decisions in the hiring process.

How do you follow up on a job application with no contact information?

Let them know you have applied to their company and describe the position and your matching qualifications for the position. Ask them if they would be willing to walk your resume into the hiring authority or if they would help you find the proper person to speak to and if you could use their name as a referral source.

How do you follow up on a job application via text?

Following Up on a Job Application: Phone Script Hello, this is [name], and I’m an applicant for [position]. Wait for a response. Follow their lead, but it may be appropriate to say something like this next: I wanted to make sure you received the application and see if there’s any additional information I can provide.

How do you follow up on an online application?

How to follow up on a job application

  1. Use the job description, the company website, and LinkedIn to determine the right point of contact.
  2. Follow up about a week after your original application.
  3. Follow up on your application with a friendly and polite email.

Who do you call to follow up on a job application?

hiring manager

Should I call after applying online?

“Candidates should follow up within about 48-72 hours after submitting their cover letter and resume. “If you call too soon, hiring managers will tell you they will review your resume and return a call if you are chosen for an interview. If you call to late, they may tell you that the role has been filled.

How long should I wait to call after applying?

Give the hiring manager or recruiter at least 24 hours to respond to you. You can show your administrative skills by avoiding the urge to call back multiple times a day or send a flood of follow-up emails. Too much follow-up paints you as impatient.

Should I call HR to follow up?

It’s all right (and even expected) to follow up after the interview, but don’t overwhelm your potential employer with multiple messages and phone calls. “An initial phone interview with no response may require follow-up within the week. However, you may want to wait seven to 10 days after a second or third interview.”

Do employers call to reject you?

Other companies just send a standard rejection email. Originally Answered: If you didn’t get the job do most employers call you back to tell you that you didn’t get the job after the interview? 99% of employers don’t have the time to call all of the interviewees back to let them know they didn’t get the job.

Why do recruiters go silent?

They often simply do not have time to offer feedback to unsuccessful candidates. As middlemen between candidates and hiring companies, they’re not necessarily equipped to tell you why you weren’t successful for a certain role with a specific company, or to offer you specific feedback.

What are some good signs you got the job?

Examples of signs that you got the job

  • The usage of when instead of if.
  • Praise of your background.
  • Seeing a change in the interviewer’s body language.
  • Seeing a change in the tone of the conversation.
  • Gauge your interest in working for the company.
  • The usage of your name.
  • Meeting more employees outside of the interviewer.

Should you ask why you didn’t get the job?

You can also politely ask why you didn’t get the job. Asking these questions can help you learn what you can improve moving forward. By learning an employer’s honest opinion, you can improve your chances of getting a job offer in the future.

How do you tell if you didn’t get the job?

4 Signs Your Interview Didn’t Go So Well

  1. Your Interviewer Wasn’t Paying Attention.
  2. You Didn’t Talk About Next Steps.
  3. You Didn’t Have an Opportunity to Ask Questions.
  4. Your Interview Ended Early.

How do you know if a job offer is coming?

Here are the signs an offer might be coming your way.

  • You’re asked to submit to an additional round of interviews.
  • The hiring manager tries ‘selling’ you on the company.
  • They ask you a lot of personal questions about your family, personal goals, and hobbies.
  • The interviewer nods and smiles a lot during the interview.

Do employers check references if they aren’t going to hire you?

Originally Answered: Do employers check references if they aren’t going to hire you? No, except for special circumstances. They wouldn’t go to that trouble otherwise, although note that the recruitment agency does it when one is involved, so the employer has no cost.

Do employers usually call or email job offer?

The job offer process The first (often more informal) offer will likely come in the form of a phone call or email. After the first conversation, you should receive a formal communication containing your official offer.

How long until you find out if you got the job?

Even though most companies will say the interview-to-offer timeline is somewhere between two to four weeks, one thing the average applicant can tell you is that it almost always takes much longer.