What does involving mean?

What does involving mean?

verb (used with object), in·volved, in·volv·ing. to include as a necessary circumstance, condition, or consequence; imply; entail: This job involves long hours and hard work. to engage or employ. to affect, as something within the scope of operation. to include, contain, or comprehend within itself or its scope.

How do you use the word involve?

  1. A decision like that should involve you.
  2. Oh, I can understand why you would want to deceive people, I just don’t understand how you can involve your family in such a thing – especially Tammy!
  3. “Whatever your father did, don’t involve me,” he said.

What is another word for actively involved?

What is another word for active involvement?

active participation partaking
inclusion collusion
contribution affiliation
participating presence
taking part cooperation

What does actively involved mean?

1 in a state of action; moving, working, or doing something. 2 busy or involved. an active life.

How do you use actively in a sentence?

  1. They are actively lobbying for the bill.
  2. “Are you actively seeking jobs?” she asked.
  3. She was actively looking for a job.
  4. Smoking is actively discouraged in the university.
  5. She had actively solicited funds for her election campaign.
  6. The company is being actively considered as a potential partner .

How do you describe an active person?

active Add to list Share. Something that is active is characterized by movement and action. Since the adjective active suggests activity, applying it to anything implies some sort of motion or action. A person might be physically active, not sitting around and doing nothing, or mentally active, working the mind.

What is the opposite of actively?

Opposite of actively, or with great endeavor or resolve. idly. inactively. languidly. lazily.

What is the opposite word of lazy?

Lazy means; indolent, idle, sluggish, tired, laggard, unwilling to work or use energy. Opposites of Lazy; hard-working. diligent.

Is Lazy positive or negative?

For example, “lazy” will always have a negative connotation; it will give us a very negative idea of the person it’s being used to describe. So lazy is always seen as a very bad thing. However, idle can be used in other contexts, still to mean something or someone doesn’t work, but without the negative judgement.

How do you know if you’re lazy?

Check out these sure-fire signs of being lazy:

  • Buying unnecessary things to make your life easier.
  • Taking a break often, especially when things get serious.
  • Approximating things in life.
  • Procrastinating everything.
  • Getting someone else to do what you’ve been assigned to do.
  • Using the lift/escalators instead of the stairs.