What does it mean to be ambiguous?

What does it mean to be ambiguous?

1a : doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness eyes of an ambiguous color. b : inexplicable. 2 : capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways an ambiguous smile an ambiguous term a deliberately ambiguous reply.

What are some examples of ambiguity?

Common Examples of Ambiguity

  • The bark was painful. (Could mean a tree’s bark was rough or a dog’s bark communicated pain or hurt the listener’s ears).
  • You should bring wine or beer and dessert. (Could mean that you must bring just wine, wine and dessert, or beer and dessert).
  • Harry isn’t coming to the party.

What is the synonym for ambiguity?

In this page you can discover 81 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for ambiguity, like: indeterminate, vague, doubtfulness, shuffle, amphibolous, doubt, obscurity, obscureness, equivocacy, double-meaning and ambiguous.

How do you describe ambiguity?

Ambiguity is when the meaning of a word, phrase, or sentence is uncertain. There could be more than one meaning. When you make statements that are ambiguous, you confuse the reader and hinder the meaning of the text. However, sometimes ambiguity is used deliberately to add humor to a text.

How do you use the word ambiguity in a sentence?

Ambiguity sentence example

  1. Their actions showed moral ambiguity .
  2. The ambiguity begins to disappear as more explanations are made.
  3. This statement has a lot of ambiguity .
  4. She chose her clothing carefully to avoid gender ambiguity .
  5. The ambiguity cannot be cured.
  6. They found possible ambiguity in interpretation.

Is Bank an ambiguous word?

2.2 Context Sensitivity ‘Bank’ is ambiguous, not (at least, not obviously) context sensitive. Of course, knowledge of context may well help disambiguate an ambiguous utterance. Nonetheless, ambiguity is not characterized by interaction with (extra- linguistic) context but is a property of the meanings of the terms.

How do you disambiguate ambiguous sentences?

To disambiguate a sentence, you must write at least two sentences that are free of the original ambiguity. 2. Add no new meaning-bearing elements: this is a matter of being charitable to the speaker/writer, even if it means preserving an element or elements of vagueness, which is a separate issue.

What is the difference between vague and ambiguous?

Ambiguity exists when a term can reasonably be interpreted in more than one way, for example, the word “bank” can refer to a financial institution or a riverside. Vagueness occurs when the boundaries of a word’s meaning are not well defined, as in the word “tall”5.

What is an example of vague?

He longed in some vague way for something different. She felt a vague sense of uneasiness when she was around him. I had the vague impression that they were withholding information. We could just barely make out the vague outline of a plane in the sky.

What is the opposite of ambiguity?

Opposite of the state of being vague and unclear. clarity. clearness. definiteness. explicitness.

What does ambiguous mean in law?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Ambiguity occurs when a single word or phrase may be interpreted in two or more ways. As law frequently involves lengthy, complex texts, ambiguity is common. Thus, courts have evolved various doctrines for dealing with cases in which legal texts are ambiguous.

What are the two types of ambiguity?

There are two types of ambiguity, lexical and structural.

What is the golden rule of evidence?

Editor’s Note: The golden rule is that the words of a statute must prima facie be given their ordinary meaning. It is yet another rule of construction that when the words of the statute are clear, plain and unambiguous, then the courts are bound to give effect to that meaning, irrespective of the consequences.

Who benefits from ambiguity in a contract?

There is a general rule that a court will construe ambiguous contract terms against the drafter of the agreement. But this rule only applies where one contracting party is in a superior bargaining position, usually either as a result of greater experience or the assistance of counsel.

How do you determine if a contract is ambiguous?

A contract is considered to be ambiguous if the contract is reasonably subject to more than one interpretation. Sometimes, this can mean that it’s unclear as to what the parties intended overall. But usually, an ambiguous contract means that a specific term, word, phrase, or definition is vague or unclear.

What is the effect of ambiguity in a contract?

To contradict the language of the contract when it has a plain meaning; or 2. To establish the subjective intentions of the parties, even when shared by both parties, but it can be used to establish the purpose and object of the transaction.

What happens if the term of a contract are ambiguous?

In an ideal world, the wording of contracts would be clear, easy to read and unambiguous. Ambiguity in contracts leads to disputes about the intended meaning or interpretation where one or both parties assert that more than one interpretation is possible.

How are ambiguous terms of a contract interpreted?

A contract is ambiguous when it is uncertain what the intent of the parties was and the contract is capable of more than one reasonable interpretation. Also, Courts abide by the rule that an ambiguous contract is interpreted against the party who drafted it.

What is the four corner rule?

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Four Corners Rule is a legal doctrine that courts use to determine the meaning of a written instrument such as a contract, will, or deed as represented solely by its textual content.

What happens if a contract is silent on an issue?

Sometimes the parties negotiating a contract omit to address an important issue. Only in certain circumstances can the courts imply a term in the contract to deal with the situation. (5) It must not contradict any express term of the contract. …

What does it mean the contract is silent?

Silent agreements are either agreements that have been reached out of the public eye and are subsequently put forth as compromises from both parties or, more commonly, a lack of protestation from the opposite party that implies that they agree with the proposed position.

What happens if governing law is silent?

Interestingly, parties to a contract that reside within the same state can instruct courts to apply the law of a different state to govern disputes. Again, if the contract is silent on the appropriate venue and jurisdiction, the location of the defendant and where the transaction takes place is generally determinative.

What does it mean to be ambiguous?

What does it mean to be ambiguous?

ambiguous • \am-BIG-yuh-wus\ • adjective. 1 a : doubtful or uncertain especially from obscurity or indistinctness b : incapable of being explained, interpreted, or accounted for : inexplicable 2 : capable of being understood in two or more possible senses or ways.

What is another word for ambiguous?

Some common synonyms of ambiguous are cryptic, dark, enigmatic, equivocal, obscure, and vague. While all these words mean “not clearly understandable,” ambiguous applies to language capable of more than one interpretation.

What does Ambivious mean?

1a : having or controlled by ambition : having a desire to be successful, powerful, or famous an ambitious young executive. b : having a desire to achieve a particular goal : aspiring ambitious for power. 2 : resulting from, characterized by, or showing ambition an ambitious film.

What do you mean by criticizing?

Criticism is the practice of judging the merits and faults of something.

What are two types of criticism?


  • 1 Aesthetic criticism.
  • 2 Logical criticism.
  • 3 Factual criticism.
  • 4 Positive criticism.
  • 5 Negative criticism.
  • 6 Constructive criticism.
  • 7 Destructive criticism.
  • 8 Practical criticism.

How do you criticize someone?

  1. Be Straightforward. You aren’t doing anybody any favors by skirting around the subject.
  2. Be Specific. General criticism almost always sounds like a put down.
  3. Focus on the Work, Not the Person.
  4. Don’t Tell Someone They’re Wrong.
  5. Find Something to Compliment.
  6. Make Suggestions, Not Orders.
  7. Have a Conversation.

What is another word for criticize?

Some common synonyms of criticize are censure, condemn, denounce, reprehend, and reprobate.

Why do people criticize?

We criticize because we somehow feel devalued by the behavior or attitude. Critical people tend to be easily insulted and especially in need of ego defense. Critical people were often criticized in early childhood by caretakers, siblings, or peers, at an age when criticism can be especially painful.

What is opposite word of criticize?

Antonyms for criticize compliment, flatter, estimate, forgive, suppose, approve, exonerate, guess, praise, lose, laud, commend.

What is another word for insult?

Frequently Asked Questions About insult Some common synonyms of insult are affront, offend, and outrage. While all these words mean “to cause hurt feelings or deep resentment,” insult suggests deliberately causing humiliation, hurt pride, or shame.

What is it called when you like being insulted?

Negging (derived from the verb neg, meaning “negative feedback”) is an act of emotional manipulation whereby a person makes a deliberate backhanded compliment or otherwise flirtatious remark to another person to undermine their confidence and increase their need of the manipulator’s approval.

What is the opposite word of insult?

Antonym of Insult

Word Antonym
Insult Compliment
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the cause of insult?

In medical terms, an insult is the cause of some kind of physical or mental injury. For example, a burn on the skin (the injury) may be the result of a thermal, chemical, radioactive, or electrical event (the insult). Insults may also be categorized as either genetic or environmental. …

What’s another word for taunted?

SYNONYMS FOR taunt 1 censure, upbraid, flout, insult. 2, 3 jeer. 3 scoff, derision, insult, censure, ridicule.

Is insult an emotion?

Feeling offended is an emotional state caused by a communicated (direct) or inferred (indirect) negative evaluation, conveyed by (1) an action, (2) a communicative act, or (3) the other’s inferred mental state.

What is the purpose of an insult?

An insult can thus be interpreted as an attempt to reduce the social status of the recipient and raise the relative status of the insulter. If that logic is correct, we can assume that insults are often motivated by anger surrounding issues of status insecurity.

What is the cause and effect of insult?

offend, outrage, affront, insult mean to cause hurt feelings or deep resentment. offend need not imply an intentional hurting but it may indicate merely a violation of the victim’s sense of what is proper or fitting.

How do words affect the brain?

“By holding a positive and optimistic [word] in your mind, you stimulate frontal lobe activity. And as our research has shown, the longer you concentrate on positive words, the more you begin to affect other areas of the brain.”

What is negative language?

Negative language is non-communication. If you don’t like something, can’t understand something, don’t want to do something, the listener, employee, or leader is at a loss to understand what you’re talking about. “I wouldn’t do it that way.” Well, that’s helpful!

How do words affect others?

As author Yehuda Berg states, “Words are singularly the most powerful force available to humanity… Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.” The words we choose and how we use them can build others up or tear them down; bring the community together or …

What power do words have?

Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble.”

How do words shape our lives?

Words have power. Their meaning crystallizes perceptions that shape our beliefs, drive our behavior, and ultimately, create our world. Their power arises from our emotional responses when we read, speak, or hear them.