What does it mean to be weary of someone?

What does it mean to be weary of someone?

In everyday conversation, we mostly hear people say that they are ‘weary of something or someone’. The expression is mostly used to mean that they are tired or bored of something or someone.

What does I’m wary mean?

: marked by keen caution, cunning, and watchfulness especially in detecting and escaping danger.

How do you use weary in a sentence?

Weary sentence example

  1. We were all weary of waiting for you.
  2. Finally he looked down at his lap and let out a long weary sigh.
  3. Then again, maybe she was simply weary of listening to it.
  4. This dance has happened more times than a weary historian can count.

Is Wary emotional?

Wary describes something “marked by keen caution.” One can be a “wary driver” for example, or can be “wary of driving.” Weary, on the other hand, means “exhausted in strength of emotion.” To keep them separate, remember that wary sounds like other caution-related words like aware and beware.

What is the example of weary?

The definition of weary is feeling very tired or fatigued. An example of weary is how a worker will feel after working for 12 hours straight on his feet.

What is the synonym of the word weary?

Frequently Asked Questions About weary Some common synonyms of weary are exhaust, fatigue, jade, and tire. While all these words mean “to make or become unable or unwilling to continue,” weary stresses tiring until one is unable to endure more of the same thing.

Is Weary an emotion?

What does it mean to be weary of something?

Weary means tired. And to weary of something means to be reluctant to experience any more of it. “I’m weary, because I’ve worked 10 hours today” (this is not literally true, don’t worry!).

What did Jesus say to those who were weary?

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

What does it mean to be wary of something?

“I’m weary of writing Troublesome Pairs posts and I don’t think I’ll do it any more” (this, also, is not true). Wary means cautious about possible dangers or problems. It’s linked to beware, and maybe that will help people to remember it.

What’s the difference between weary and wear down?

Weary starts with the letters wear. One of the meanings of wear is to wear someone down. In other words, make them tired through constant nagging or other pressure. The fact that wear down and weary both relate to being tired can also help you remember weary ’s meaning. Remember not to let the rhyming of leery and weary confuse you.