What does it mean to contest to something?

What does it mean to contest to something?

: to make (something) the subject of an argument or a legal case : to say that you do not agree with or accept (something) : to try to win (something) : to struggle or fight for or against something.

What does it mean to contest a game?

contest. n. 1. a formal game or match in which two or more people, teams, etc, compete and attempt to win.

Is contesting a word?

contest verb [T] (ARGUE)

What is another word for contest?

What is another word for contest?

competition match
clash battle
fight encounter
struggle conflict
combat engagement

What’s the opposite of contest?

What is the opposite of contest?

accord harmony
surrender truce
peace agreement
calm armistice
ceasefire concord

How do you use the word contest?

“She was not in the contest.” “He is out of the contest for cheating.” “The best teams are having a contest against each other.” “There will be a contest between the best two players.”

Does contend mean argue?

To strive in debate or controversy; dispute. To strive in competition; vie. Contend for a prize. To strive in debate; to engage in discussion; to dispute; to argue.

What does God contended mean?

The dictionary defines “contend” as to strive in contest or rivalry, to struggle against difficulties or opposition, to argue (like in a debate). The Bible tells us there are certain things we should contend for—fight for, struggle against spiritual opposition to obtain. Our faith is one of them.

Does earnestly mean sincerely?

The difference between Earnestly and Sincerely When used as adverbs, earnestly means in an earnest manner, whereas sincerely means in a sincere or earnest manner.

What does festoon mean?

1 : a decorative chain or strip hanging between two points walls decorated with festoons of flowers. 2 : a carved, molded, or painted ornament representing a decorative chain Around the mirror were carved festoons of grapevines. festoon. verb. festooned; festooning; festoons.

Why is it called a festoon?

festoon (n.) “string or chain of flowers, ribbon, or other material suspended between two points,” 1620s, from French feston (16c.), from Italian festone, literally “a festive ornament,” apparently from festa “celebration, feast,” from Vulgar Latin *festa (see feast (n.)). The verb is attested from 1789.

What are festoons caused by?

Festoons are usually the result of damage. Sun exposure, smoking and aging are among the possible causes, and the results can be worsened by the contrasting pull of underlying facial muscles over the years. Fair-skinned people tend to be more susceptible to festoons.

What is an example of blatant?

The definition of blatant is to be very forward, loud or conspicuous. A man wearing a wedding ring telling a woman he’s not married is an example of a blatant lie.

What is the meaning of flamboyant?

1 : marked by or given to strikingly elaborate or colorful display or behavior a flamboyant performer. 2 often capitalized : characterized by waving curves suggesting flames flamboyant tracery flamboyant architecture.

Is it bad to say flamboyant?

Because it is applied almost exclusively to homosexuals, “flamboyant” is one of those words that rides the line of being offensive. And in the context of Elton John or any other homosexual, “flamboyant” is a dangerous word.

Is flamboyant negative or positive?

Flamboyant Definition and Meaning with Examples Flamboyant (adjective) means showy, grand or fancy. Flamboyant can have a negative and positive meaning, depending on the way it is used. When it is used negatively, it typically expresses pretence or distasteful gaudiness.