What does it mean to hypothesize?

What does it mean to hypothesize?

: to suggest (an idea or theory) : to make or suggest (a hypothesis)

How do you spell hypothesize in the UK?

Also hypothecate; especially British, hy·poth·e·sise .

Is hypothesizing a real word?

verb (used with object), hy·poth·e·sized, hy·poth·e·siz·ing. to assume by hypothesis.

What can I say instead of I hypothesize?

In this page you can discover 11 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for hypothesize, like: theorize, speculate, belief, thoughts, theorise, conjecture, hypothesise, hypothecate, suppose, postulate and posit.

What is it called when people expect things?

Answered 4 years ago · Author has 163 answers and 252.4K answer views. Hmmmm, someone who expects others to give more than they themselves do can be considered anything as ubiquitous but comparably mild as hypocritical (which many of us can and have been some time or many times in our lives).

What is it called when you don’t expect something to happen?

improbable. adjective. not likely to happen or to be true.

What is another word for not likely?

What is another word for not likely?

improbable doubtful
unlikely dubious
far-fetched questionable
uncertain fanciful
implausible inconceivable

Can you give someone everything without taking anything?

Being selfless is similar to being altruistic — another word for giving to others without looking for personal gain. If you give time, money, or things to other people without expecting something in return, that’s selfless.

What will happen in one word?

inevitable Add to list Share. If something is inevitable, it will definitely happen, like death or tax season. Inevitable comes from the Latin word inevitabilis, which means unavoidable.

Is eventuate a word?

Eventuate is less controversial these days, though its use is still regarded by the occasional critic as pompous, ponderous, and unnecessary. In any case, eventuate has a perfectly respectable history. It is derived from the Latin noun eventus (“event”), which in turn traces to the verb evenire, meaning “to happen.”